
SharePoint Migration Using 3rd Party Tools

17/10/2013 11:36

Sharepoint Migration ServicesCurrently in SharePoint, content migration is achieved using third party tools. Leveraging third party solutions simplifies the procedure along with reducing the effort or time needed for the process. It also cuts down on the cases of failed migrations arising out of issues such as file corruption. Analysis has revealed that clients spend good amount of time preparing data for migration, and these efforts may not yield fruit in case the policies and procedures are not adhered to. Owing to such risks, clients prefer using third-party ISVs or independent software vendors for migrating content from on-premises SP into the hosted service. Let us check out the following third party tools that facilitate migration or consolidation of content.


AvePoint: A recognized leader in rendering infrastructure management solutions for Microsoft SP, AvePoint is a cost-effective and efficient solution for migrating business-critical content from diverse electronic repositories to Microsoft SP. The following are a few of the different DocAve Migrator modules:

  • Content can be automatically moved from source SharePoint 2003 or 2007 into the mapped elements within SP 2007 or 2010 by SharePoint Migrator.
  • Website Migrator provides an efficient, reliable and affordable solution for the organized transfer of web content to MS SharePoint 2007/2010.
  • Content sprawl is reduced along with IT productivity enhancement by eRoom Migrator through centralization of eRoom project databases as well as other collaborative assets across a single SharePoint 2010 and 2007 repository.
  • Consolidation of manifold EMC Documentum content sources over SP can be automatically achieved by Documentum Migrator, thus maximizing ROI for legacy content present within EMC Documentum.


Clockwork Software: This software offers reliable document migration from old ECMS to SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2010. Successful migration can also be achieved from any SQL Server based ECMS (CMS, DMS, EDRMS) with files stored over a network drive or share. ECMSs such as Hummingbird DM6, Worksite, FileNet, DOCs Open and so on. With this, various version and metadata can be migrated to SharePoint libraries as well as folders. It is also good for small migrations.


Idera SharePoint migration suite: It is by far the most comprehensive solution available. This tools empowers you to visually architect as well as organize content and metadata during the migration process, thereby improving usability, eDiscovery, search and manageability. This suite can be used again and again, without any services, in a variety of scenarios that include SP site reorganization, SP platform upgrade, as well as rolling out new applications and sites. The following are the components of the migration suite:

  • SP information architect which facilitates rapid and convenient development, deployment as well as maintenance of SP taxonomies and metadata.

  • SP content organizer allows for the application of metadata and relocation of files anywhere within SharePoint with simply a few clicks.

  • With the help of SharePoint migration manager, content can be deployed, migrated or compared within different versions of SP or from file systems.


Metalogix: Data can be migrated into SharePoint from any source system by using Metalogix. It is possible to migrate from one version of SharePoint to another, from diverse Enterprise Content Management systems as well as from Exchange public folders, websites, blogs or file systems. For simplifying the process, there are different kinds of modules like SharePoint Site Migration Manager,Website Migration Manager for SharePoint, Metalogix Migration Manager for Blogs, etc.


Axceler-Davinci Migrator: It reduces the risk, brings down the cost as well as reduces the time required for the procedure. With the help of the Davinci Migrator, you would be able to identify possible problems prior to their occurrence. Migration estimates aid the creation of realistic schedules. Moreover, Davinci allows migration in a single big wave or a series of continuous smaller waves. Hence you have the freedom to operate as per your own schedule.


Apart from the above-mentioned ones, there are a number of other tools such as Vital-Path, Vyapin, Tzunami, Proventeq and so on. By using these third-party tools, many obstacles that cause hindrance to the overall migration process, can be overcome. If you need an experienced hand with your sharepoint migration, you can hire developers from top companies in sharepoint. That will surely release a lot of stress associated. However please do ensure that the vendors you choose at least possess the awareness of tools available.


We provide sharepoint portal developmentservices. If you would like to speak to one of our certified SharePoint developers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Understanding Details of SharePoint Reporting

16/10/2013 12:21

SharePoint report developmentSharePoint reporting is a broad and important area of discussion. Prior to going into the discussion of what is SP reporting and how does it help, it is necessary to look into why the same is necessary. When it comes to the governance implementation, understanding and managing the activities within the SP environment is extremely essential. Now, these include identification, assessment as well as prioritization of data, measuring and monitoring of the same, review and modification of the government strategy and creation of policies that guarantee overall security.


What is SharePoint Reporting?

SharePoint Reporting is a wide area that calls for varying requirements based on site, site collection as well as farm-level requirements. Seen from the perspective of the administrators, appropriate reporting helps in the maintenance of governance rules and compliance policies while also monitoring the issues related to growth and scalability.

Different Areas of SharePoint report development

SP Reporting can be broadly divided into five categories as follows:

  • Permissions Reporting which involves troubleshooting to find out why users are unable to see the content, communicating about various types of compliance and auditing to find out who can access sensitive content.

  • Usage or Activity Reporting is about finding out which content to be used, planning prospective growth as well as grasping hardware requirements.

  • Audit Reporting to determine the details of the access and accordingly, adhere to the internal along with external compliance requirements.

  • Performance Reporting that involves monitoring page load time to detect problems apart from planning for enhanced usage.


Report of permissions is immensely crucial for several reasons as follows:

  • Auditing

  • Maintenance of accurate records of user access

  • Troubleshooting problems related to functionality that arise from the users' attempt at performing tasks without the required permission.

However, even with this, SP is unable to carry out centralized management of all permissions. Moreover, real time report is not a feasible option either because the data is available at the site-level, gathering which takes a lot of time. The newly improved 2013 version of SP solves these problems to a great extent though farm-wide visibility is still demanded by the administrators.

Usage and Activity

It is an essential way of tracking mechanism for planning capacities, disaster recovery while also helping the administrators undertake a much more effective management of the respective environment on a daily basis.

The concept paves the way for the necessary resources for the monitoring as well as measuring of the level of user adoption. This ensures that the businesses are able to derive the maximum profit out of their investment.


It is about analyzing storage, which in turn, is essential for planning capacities as well as understanding the requirements of growth cum performance of every team within an organization. Finding out the best practice to monitor as well as set limits on the size of the SP sites is an integral part of the governance policies. This should be followed by the setting of the governance policies on the right track along with assuring the end users about the availability of the storage to cater to their particular business needs.


For the SharePoint administrators, it is an essential point of focus, allowing the platform to become more widely adopted as well as critical for business operations. Audit reporting helps in establishing a stronger and well-maintained governance using both technology along with the best practices.

The requirement for this arises from several quarters, including the necessity of additional data as a part of capacity planning and for producing reports that display the access to certain items within a period.

With the web application development platform of SP growing within an organization along with more of such secure content finding their place in SP, auditing helps administrators by offering them with the much- needed tools. These tools enable proper management of important events along with changes that take place within the environment.


This comes from outside the development platform of SP by means of reporting against the farm as well as customer script. Third-party monitoring along with performance tools are also available. Now, most of the performance reporting is owned by the operators and not the SP administrators or end users. Attempts are made at filling this gap by means of the addition of the toolkit.

With the above-mentioned ones being among the popular most, there are also other options of SharePoint reporting. Understanding the concept allows organizers to manage both systems and resources with care and expertise.

We provide SharePoint portal development services. If you would like to hire sharepoint developer from our certified team of SharePoint developers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Top 10 Content Migration Tools to SharePoint Platform

10/10/2013 14:08

custom sharepoint developmentWith rapid advancement of technology dominating the enterprise scenario, more and more organizations are looking forward to migrating from an older version of SharePoint to a more advanced version and also from an altogether different Enterprise Content Management (EMC). Well, when it comes to taking up content migration to SharePoint platform, it is always wiser to rely upon effective migration tool for best results.

Here is a look at the third-party solutions that features a number of tools that help easy as well as successful content migration from a range of sources to SharePoint 2007.

AvePoint enables data transferring from a range of sources to SP 2007 platform through various tools.

  • AvePoint Website Migrator – For web data transfer
  • DocAve Public Folder Migrator – Allows data transportation from Exchange folders to designated SP Libraries and List in MOSS 2007 and SPS2003 platform
  • DocAve SharePoint Migrator – Facilitates transfer of data to MOSS 2007 from SPS 2003
  • DocAve Documentum eRoom Migrator – For document libraries as well as collective workspaces transfer from Documentun eRoom EMC
  • DocAve File System Migrator – Enables documents transfer from the conventional network file shares or file systems that are based on Windows to online document libraries
  • DocAve LiveLink Migrator – Allows Open Text LiveLink migration to WSS v3.0 and MOSS 2007

Tzunami facilitates transportation of information to SP 2007 from different sources with the help of several tools.

  • TD File Shares Migration – Files as well as folder structure transfer from any network or local file share to the particular platform
  • TD SPS 2001 Migration: Transfer to SharePoint 2007 from SharePoint 2001
  • TD SPS 3003 Migration: Data transfer from SPS 2003 platform to SP 2007
  • TD Exchange Migration: Exchange Public Folders migration to SharePoint 2007 Libraries and Lists
  • TD DocuShare Migration: Data transfer of Xerox DocuShare
  • TD eRoom Migration: EMC eRoom transfer of data into SP 2007 products
  • TD LiveLink Migration: LiveLink content migration into the specific platform
  • TD Documentum Migration: EMC Documentum content migration
  • TD Hyperwave Migration: Hyperwave data transfer
  • TD Hummingbird Migration: Data transfer of Hummingbird Document Management
  • TD Lotus Notes Migration: Lotus Notes applications as well as database transportation
  • TD Aqualogic Migration – Aqualogic Interaction data transfer

MetaLogix featuring a number of tools allow easy transfer of content to SP 2007 from a range of sources

Migration Manger for FileShare – Enables transportation from the following platforms:

  • Personal drives
  • Network file shares
  • Web-based extranet and intranet document storehouse
  • Document Management Systems and Enterprise File Sharing including Documentum, eRoom, and Lotus Notes

Migration Manger of Web Content – Allows transportation of information from the following platforms:

  • Microsoft Content Management Server 2002.
  • WCM Third-Party Enterprise Systems like Stellent, RedDot, Interwoven, Vignette, Percussion, and Tridion.
  • All home-grown HTTP – accessible dynamic and static websites.
  • Databases, documentum eRoom calendars, version files, and files.

eRoom Migration Manager – Allows migrating information to SharePoint 2007 from Documentum eRoom

SharePoint Site Migration Manager – Enables content migration from SPS 2003 to 2007

Quest has several tools that make it easy to transfer data from Lotus Notes, file share, SharePoint 2003 to the specific SP 2007 platform.

  • File Migrator – Data transfer from file shares
  • SharePoint Migration Manger – SPS 2003 information transportation to SP 2007
  • Notes Migrator – Information transportation from QuickPlace, Domino.Doc application, and Notes
  • Public Folder Migrator – Bulk transferring of data from Exchange Public Folders

VitalPath facilitates transportation of information from a range of repository consolidation along with migration from a different sources.

  • Path Builder for SharePoint – Facilitates an integration of above 40 content storehouse with SharePoint.
  • Path Builder – This solution i.e. vendor-neutral communicates at the API level consolidating all aspects of diverse content management systems providing Repository consolidation services.

Vamosa has several tools that allow both SP 2007 transfer as well as data transfer from a range of source systems to targeted platforms of CMS.

  • Vamosa Content Migrator – Facilitates transportation of information to any target system from source system
  • Vamosa Solutions for SharePoint 2007 – Enables transfer of data from several sites including all previous SharePoint, several other content management systems as well as Microsoft Content Management

Xavor primarily enables data transfer between MOSS and WSS 3.0 platforms.

Xavor SharePoint Migrator (XSPM)- Data transfer to MOSS 2007 from WSS 3.0 and between MOSS and WSS 3.0 respectively.

Proventeq offers a support to data transferring to the platforms of Oracle Stellent and SP

Content Migration Accelerator – Provides complete and comprehensive solution that enables a migration of documents, web content, and digital assets from an extensive source range to a number of targeted systems of Enterprise Content Management (ECM).

Metavis facilitates content migration between SP as well as other platforms like LiveLink, eRoom to SP.

ECM Migrator

  • SharePoint to SharePoint
  • Livelink to SharePoint
  • eRoom to SharePoint

Kapow Technologies feature tools that are ideal for taking up migration of web data to a range of different CMS platforms.

This particular module functions like an ETL tool, but conducts the extraction and transformation of the data at the GUI level. Kapow features the ability of directly loading the contents into a standard XML file or a destination application to enable an import through standard tools of content importing. Therefore, any data can be easily synchronized or migrated between web based CRM, SMS, ERP, or Project Management System. Most Content Management Systems feature standard adopters like Interwoven, Oracle Stellent, Vignette, SDL Tridion, FatWire, EMC/Documentum, CoreMedia, Joomla, and IBM FileNet. CRM systems support include Oracle CRM, Siebel, NetSuite, as well as

Content migration to custom SharePoint development platform gets easier with the above-mentioned tools offers by various third – party solutions providers.

We provide SharePoint application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

SharePoint 2013 Top 10 intranet success factors

09/10/2013 13:05

custom sharepoint development

Did you ever find any difficulty while trying to explain SharePoint basics to a novice completely unaware of the technology? Probably, Yes! Chances are also high that you faced difficulty in terms of user training for facilitating a smooth migration process. What you need to remember while taking up the task of explaining SP to novice or new users is that the migration is just not all about branding, hardware, Web Parts, as well as customization. The document management system application has more to it and it is important to gather the basic knowledge of the same for better understanding.


Now, when it comes to determining the top intranet success factors, users and enterprises need to consider a number of other factors for evaluating alongside implementing the latest of intranet offerings by Microsoft. If, being an enterprise, you are planning to grow as well as evolve with SharePoint 2013, following the tricks of the trade is imperative for you.

Top Success Factors with Intranet

Here is a look at the 10 success factors that effectively blends best practices of intranet and the specifics as well as basics of SP 2013:


1. Understanding SharePoint at Best

SharePoint uses a number of terminology carrying specific meaning in respect to enterprise application. Terms like, list, site, as well as library features specific meaning and it is important for the users to understand the terms properly. Maintaining a glossary always helps even a novice understand the technicalities.


2. Analyze and Determine the Business Requirements

It is important to take up the process of defining the existing along with expected business needs, requirements, and interests, even if the decision of integrating SharePoint has been already embraced at corporate level.


3. SharePoint is a Platform of Managing Information

The advantages of SharePoint cannot be fully realized without a proper strategy of information management. Now, the strategy must ensure relating all application of information asset mutually. If this is not done properly, the weaknesses will become evident and irreversible.


4. Combine the IT and Business Development Teams

It is essential to closely integrate the IT and business development teams so that they get to work together on the methodology as well as management of an Agile project. Always remember to take special care if there is the involvement of a third-party implementation team.


5. Governance is Necessary

It is difficult to execute the completion of a project successfully, if there is no governance. To make

things easier, it is advisable to have a governance guide highlighting individual responsibilities of users involved in implementing SP and using it to the core ready. Enterprises must ensure updating the guidebook with best practice instances.


6. Migration must be planned carefully

Usually, SharePoint features an upgrade cycle of three years as well as the specific versions come with a five year support. If a clear along with predefined business case is underlined for a project, then you must always make sure to migrate to SP 2013.


7. Quantify the Costs of Professional Services

Always keep in mind that fruitful and effective functioning of SharePoint is entirely dependent on skilled as well as knowledgeable developers alongside business analysts. Now, whether the need is sufficed by internal IT professionals or external developers, the cost can end up becoming more than what is actually expected.


8. Develop a Risk Register

Similar to all other enterprise applications, SharePoint development too is likely to feature some standard practices, some non-standard practices, as well as risks. Now, what gets difficult is establishing all the risks alongside administering progress in managing the process effectively as well as avoiding the risks efficiently. It is also important to find out an effective approach of maintaining a schedule and budget of the projects.


9. Avoid Taking Case Studies at Face Value

The main focus of case studies always remain on the positive attributes of a project. It is therefore essential to decipher alongside determine things that did not go well and why it went all wrong alongside finding out the ways of overcoming the problems.


10. Careful Management of My Sites and Team Sites must be Executed

It is essential to come into an agreement regarding the process of establishing a Team Site as well as closing it down when no longer in use. Developing hundreds and thousands of information silos is easy indeed.

Implementing the above-mentioned Intranet success factors in your SharePoint application development project can pave the road to success for your enterprise without any hitch.


We provide custom SharePoint development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

SharePoint 2013 – Comparison of Features with previous versions

08/10/2013 12:29

SharePoint 2013 comes with powerful features which incorporate considerably upgraded search abilities along with new provisions for intranet-oriented searches, enhanced digital content management, web content usability as well as cross-site publishing. Let us have a brief overview of the new functionality and features of this new version of SP and compare it with older versions.

custom sharepoint development

New Licensing Model

Owing to the licensing changes in Sharepoint 2013, an “external connector” is not required by “external users”, as was the case for previous versions. This ensures substantial reduction of cost for clients because it facilitates access to SP solutions like external project collaboration sites, customer portals or websites by vendors, partners, customers or other outside users.

Fresh Search Features

The FAST search technology has been integrated into the 2013 version of SP. As a result, the search functionality has been enhanced ensuring the following benefits:

  • Continuous Crawl: The indexing and crawling components have undergone a major upgrade in SharePoint Search. A great deal of content could not be frequently crawled in SharePoint 2010 but currently it is possible to index content frequently. This is of great significance because files added within SP can be located instantly by the users.

  • Query Conditions or Rules Engine: This feature facilitates the dynamic display of content by the web pages. Search has been incorporated with a new query engine which makes room for application of rules and display of results depending upon particular conditions. SharePoint 2010 did not possess this feature. As this feature has been incorporated in the latest SP version, it enables better control over sorting and displaying of results as per user attributes.

  • Service-Oriented Page Design: This allows web pages to dynamically come up with content that is most relevant to the user, while facilitating storage of the content within a central repository. This was also available in SharePoint 2010, but in the latest version, this feature is more practical and efficient as it is loaded with new enhancements and web parts.

  • Query Actions: These help to manage the presentation of the search results. Currently it is possible to specify the categories of records that will be displayed in search results using custom HTML. This could not be done in an efficient manner in SharePoint 2010.

Intranet-Oriented Search Advantages

Along with the search enhancements made through the introduction of fresh search features, there are certain improvements that have proved to be of immense significance to Intranet users.

  • File Preview: It is possible for users to preview Microsoft Office files from the search results page. Optimization and sorting of search results can be done on the basis of users clicks. Because it is possible to preview files prior to opening, increasingly accurate search results can be obtained for the end users, a feature which was not available in SharePoint 2010.

  • Deep Links: In case of SharePoint 2013, major sections and chapters from a file are displayed with the results. One can conveniently jump to particular sections without downloading the file and searching for the required content.

Enhanced Web Content Usability

  • WYSIWYG Improvements: Content can be copied directly from Word and pasted within the SP text editor. The text gets displayed in the website's defined style, which implies that much editing is not required. Compared to the earlier versions, SharePoint 2013 allows more convenient editing of content and web pages.

  • Friendly URLs: This features renders user-friendly URLs for all SharePoint pages as against the long URLs characteristic of SharePoint 2010.

  • Flexible Branding: Non-SharePoint tools such as Adobe Dreamweaver can now be utilized for branding as well as page design.

  • Video Embedding: With the help of this feature, SharePoint 2013 enables convenient embedding of videos from third-party hosting solutions. Hence the user can efficiently add videos to the sites.

Digital Asset Management

Companies which have great volume of videos, images or other content can now efficiently leverage SharePoint for organizing their assets. Images can be effectively stored in a central repository and can also be reused on pages across the site.

Cross-site Publishing

This aspect helps in storage and maintenance of content in a single or more than one authoring site collections. Again, this content can be displayed in one or more than one publishing site collections. This feature in the 2013 version of SP ensures consistency of content shared throughout diverse areas and sites.

The above-mentioned features indeed make SharePoint 2013 more advanced and convenient to use than the previous versions. It also comes with other significant enhancements such as SkyDrive, increasingly robust work-flow platforms and improved site performance. You can hire developers from top SharePoint application development services companies in India who can help you build products within allocated budgets and time schedules.

We provide custom SharePoint development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Should Microsoft kill SharePoint?

07/10/2013 12:04

As per a statement made by Gartner analyst Jeffrey Mann, organizations which are heavily dependent on SharePoint need to start preparations for a cloud-driven future. He also suggests that SharePoint is a thing of the past, hence it is good for Microsoft to think about doing away with this document management system.


custom sharepoint development


Expressing his thoughts at the Gartner Symposium of 2013, Mann stated that SP is used throughout the entire workforce by 28% of the organizations. The number becomes 70% when we take into consideration the organizations wherein minimum of 50% of the staff are utilizing it once in seven days or more. However, according to Mann, nobody likes the SharePoint development platform. With respect to user experience, SharePoint registers a low score on convenience of use, the quantity of ongoing management required, and it is a fact that migration of content between systems is not easy.


by its own success. It has become very hard, complex as well as big which makes management or up-gradation difficult, all the more so because in a large number of organizations, it is immensely customized. Developing and testing a new version takes around three to five years, and then couple of years pass before businesses actually initiate the process of installation. Consequently, a number of people are making use of versions of SP which are a minimum four years old. In the meantime, increasingly nimble cloud-based products derive benefit from much shorter cycles of up-gradation, and interestingly, the difference has been noticed by a number of users.


Moving to the cloud for the competitive edge

Mann is of the opinion that in order to survive the competition, the only way for Microsoft is to transfer SP to the cloud, meaning that it should be killed in its present form. Going by what Mann says, killing on-premises version of this platform is good for Microsoft and eventually its clients also. It will render a better user experience, at a potentially lesser cost for the customer, and will also make room for a steady revenue for Microsoft.


However, there is indeed hope for Microsoft, and this hope lies in Yammer, the platform for enterprise social networking. Both SP and Yammer overlap as well as complement each other in a number of ways. There are powerful signs which reveal that any evolution that SP undergoes while becoming increasingly cloud-based would be highly influenced by Yammer.


But the core of the issue revolves around the fact that SharePoint on-premises is gradually moving out and is currently reduced to the status of an evolutionary dead end. Due to the huge installation base, it is true that Microsoft will continue to render support to it, while upgrades will come at a slower pace. Thus, users should not expect the greatest or the newest functionality. The prime focus of development would be shifting to the cloud.


When a solution is cloud-based, it would indeed be more advantageous for Microsoft. Moreover, according to Mann's argument, SharePoint Online would be developed at a much quicker pace, to the point where it will be more beneficial to consider them as two distinct products. Hence, the gap would continue to increase.


Jeffrey Mann advises organization technologists to currently come up with long-term plans for a post-SharePoint world. Keeping in mind the present scenario, it is good to hold back on upgrades as well as new development and go for the cloud option whenever there is any requirement for addition of new functionality. Microsoft might or might not offer a convenient way forward, but for an individual or entity who has invested a lot in customization, the process would never be painless.


We provide custom SharePoint development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Introducing Nintex Workflow for Office 365

01/10/2013 12:30

Nintex workflow for office 365 allows organizations as well as enterprises to extend the automation of business process to more and more people along with devices and places delivering workflow catering to the interest of every individual. It integrates a drag-and-drop workflow designer, rich features, as well as advanced connectivity to provide the customers with more flexibility along with power.


sharepoint application development


Wondering what it can do for you (the users)?

Well, here is a quick look at the at what Nintex workflow can do for you


Develop Workflows for a superior cloud platform

By extracting complete benefit of the new model of cloud app, Nintex has paved the road to effortless integration with office 365. This has indeed enabled the users to scale as well as develop advanced workflows on a strong as well as steady platform.


Automate the Process of Business

IT professionals and business users likewise will be empowered towards taking up a quick alongside an easy path to automate the process of business. The range is quite extensive, which includes everything from simple reviews as well as approvals to complicated integration across cloud services, external applications, data sources as well as social media. You can now leverage a range of actions offering a support to everyday processes across diverse industrial sectors as well as company departments like help desk, provisioning, travel requests, maintenance forms, expense claims, and leave requests, etc.


Strike a connection with an extensive cloud service range

This particular aspect allows the users to be at their productive best anywhere by connecting as well as integrating to a range of cloud services. This real-time service includes Twitter, Yammer, Box, as well as virtual machines along with several other applications. Users can also go ahead and quickly integrate web services with workflows without the hassle of writing codes. It also allows you to publish forms for collaborating with external partners, vendors along with the customers.


Add Enterprise Activities to Out-of-Box Actions

With the service introduction of the workflow for office 365, a one-stop has also been introduced catering to the diverse workflow needs of the users. This particular store comes loaded with multiple actions, which allow the users to develop document-centric alongside integrated workflows that are strictly SharePoint centric that further enables them to drive business. All you need to do is effortlessly integrate the workflow with external systems like web services, Microsft Dynamics CRM, as well as applications that are very much business relevant.


Get started in no time

If you have been wondering about its usability then, you will be delighted to know that Nintex workflow for Office 365 is not only easy to use, but also to install and manage. Additionally, you can also activate the application in reduced time possible and start working immediately. The new application model implies improved flexibility, productivity as well as scalability for a range of documents along with applications integrated within Office 365.


The Advantages

Let us have a look at the advantages it can bring for the users along with the enterprises:

  • Its quick and easy – Empowers as well as allows the users to go for business process automation in no time through innovative browser based work flow designer that is easy to use.

  • Smart investment - with this particular application, you can get to work in office 365 in real-time. You can also defend your investment through simple and easy deployment management thereby, avoiding the risks of additional costs of client software or infrastructure development.

  • Easy Connection – you can easily connect Nintex workflow to Office 365, Lync server, Exchange server, web services, external systems as well as databases along with a range of other cloud services effortlessly.

What makes this particular application integration more delightful is the fact that its completely done in the application model that wonderfully syncs with SharePoint. Custom SharePoint development teams can leverage Nintex workflow and help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.


We provide SharePoint application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Compatibility Report of SharePoint 2013 and HTML5

30/09/2013 13:05

SharePoint 2013, which is the newest version of this web application development platform, comes with a number of beneficial features, out of which, compatibility is definitely a major one. However, before you go into the compatibility of this new improved platform and HTML5, let us have a look at the prominent features of the same.


SharePoint 2013 and its Features

To begin with, the platform facilitates enhanced user experinece by means of remarkable design as well as increased templates and layout capability. Additionally, fast search, improved work flow, e- discovery tools along with office web apps are also offered by SharePoint 2013. It is for this reason that business enterprises have an increased preference for upgrading from SharePoint 2010 version to the latest one. However, the infrastructure procurements must be considered when it comes to enterprise upgrades.


HTML5 and its attributes

HTML5, on the other hand, has made the developer's work easy primarily by virtue of its host of semantic features. This highly improved version of the Markup language offers several other tools as well as elements such as newer media as well as structural elements, attributes, form types, link relation types as well as the semantics for internationalization.


Compatibility between SharePoint 2013 and HTML5

The popular web application development platform now appears to be completely compatible with HTML5. The compatibility is best echoed by the presence of Channels, which allow designing different look and feel for the varying devices that are used for viewing the sites. Even the use of SharePoint sites on the mobile devices such as that of the iPods or Smart Phones has become quite common. These are also built using HTML5, hence, offer different views of SharePoint.


The compatibility of the development platform with HTML5 ensures that the Sites work equally well on any device and that they are optimized for the mobile browsers such as that of the Mobile IE9, Windows Phone 7.5, Android or Safari. The Office Web Apps pave the way for the documents and files to open on all of the these without necessitating the installment of Office on the devices.


Browser Compatibility of SharePoint

The latest version has witnessed a minimizing of the ActiveX controls to a great extent. The Drag, Drop and Multi File upload support leads to an excellent user experinece with Firefox and Chrome. The few office integration scenarios that are avilable are for the power users only, which further promises the average users with a commendable expeirnece with Firefox as well as Chrome.


This newest version of the platform also offers excellent mobile browser experience, thanks to the new contemporary views.


The contemporary view offers an optimized mobile browser experinece while the view is also available to the Mobile Internet Explorer Version 9.0 as well as the later versions like Windows Phone 7.5, iPhone iOs 5.0, Safari 4.0 or even the Andorid 4.0.


The Classic View, on the other hand, is rendered in HTML format while also providing backward compatibility for mobile browsers.


Finally, with the full screen UI view, a complete desktop display of the site is available on the SmartPhone devices too.


The ultimate outcome of the compatibility of this platform can be seen in terms of features such as menu button including that of the Site contents, sign out, close and switch to PC view. A navigation window, a tap-to-open links, automatic pagination of lists with over 20 items add to the alreday compatibility feature of the web applictaion development platform. With this platform, one can even create new list items and edit them too. For instance, a new task in a task list is created on the mobile device. The same can be edited in the list with the help of the Edit option. Custom SharePoint development will just get a whole new meaning with HTML5 coming into picture with SharePoint.


We provide SharePoint application development services. If you would like to talk to one of our SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

Migration Service for Office 365 SharePoint

29/09/2013 18:03

SharePoint Online is best referred to as a group of web-based technologies and tools that enables your organization to manage, store, as well as share digital information. Developed on the 2013 server of SharePoint, this particular hosted service makes it easy to work on projects, store documents alongside data in a prime location, as well as share information. Now, migrating to this particular document management system web application is not easy. Prior to beginning with the process, it is important for you to involve in careful planning as you need to handle a huge volume of data that is very much valuable. Moreover, your organization or management will hardly tolerate any sort of downtime in this regard.

sharepoint migration services


Therefore, the next big question that emerges in this respect is how to avoid the risks of losing data and ensure moving just the documents along with the data required during the time. In addition, the aspect of doing it quickly thereby, minimizing the impact upon the users as well as systems also needs to be determined.

With several migration tools available in the market, it can actually get easier than you can ever imagine. These unparalleled tools not only accelerate the entire process, but also simplify the same ensuring accuracy and rapid migration. Additionally, it also ensures that your migration ends up being cost effective catering to your uniqueand distinct needs. With  the help of the migrating tool, you will be able to migrate Windows files, permissions, meta-data, work flows and content to Office 365 alongside Exchanging Public Folders while retaining the settings & customization. In addition, it also paves the road to smoother transition without affecting the business continuity. You can forever say goodbyes to time-consuming as well as complex processes.

How does it Help- The Unique Features of the Migration Tool
Here is a quick look at the unique features that make the tool stand apart in the market as against the manual process:

Effortless consolidation of data to save money and time – The software available in the market that enables an easy transition to Office 365 SharePoint Online allows you to group together all the important data scattered all over multiple source to a single source. This particular approach ensures lower maintenance costs as well as reduced complexity. You can move and transit data from the following sources:

  • On-premises Microsoft SharePoint
  • Microsoft Windows File Systems
  • Microsoft Exchange Public Folders
  • Microsoft Outlook

Fast Transition with Few Resources – You can easily and quickly take up the process of migrating several SharePoint libraries along with the lists at the same time making use of a multi-threaded engine to lessen project timelines alongside the costs.

Suits Distinct Business Needs and Interests Effortlessly – Office 365 SharePoint migration through the software available in the market also enables conducting bulk migration to speed up the projects as well as streamline the same. You can also take up granular or phased migration, which distinctly allows transiting just your need of the hour. The exclusive drag-and drop function allows you to make a selection of either individual items or the entire list with just a click of the mouse.

Controls Project Making your Way top Migration – The software also extracts the chaos and disturbances out of the project management task featuring real-time controls for scheduling alongside status reporting.  You are actually equipped with skills required to successfully manage as well as execute the job of migration at a time that best suits your enterprise ensuring that its completely on schedule.

Complete Management of Metadata for Enhancing your Content – The migration software also allows you to maintain the metadata that is already assigned or assign new values to content during the process. This particular feature allows you to make complete use of your intellectual assets alongside improving the search accuracy.

Office 365 development tools offer a suite of cloud communication, productivity, as well as collaboration solutions that can be assembled together to execute distinct needs and interests of each organization.

We provide SharePoint development services. If you would like to talk to one of our certified sharepoint developers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Is SharePoint integration, Windows Phone 8's biggest Enterprise Advantage

27/09/2013 12:22

Windows Phone 8 that has been specifically designed to cater to the needs of both small and medium alongside large businesses efficiently closes the gap between the needs of an enterprise and the employees interest from a smart-phone. The device that is intelligently manufacture boasts of a huge software catalog along with a powerful and persuasive choice of standard functionality. While other phones might need to rely upon applications pertaining to social networking for additional software, Windows 8 goes on to present a feasibly functional device.


So, the potential question that emerges in this respect is that whether Windows 8 stands as a compelling choice for an enterprise phone?

sharepoint 2013 mobile development

The Application Question – Is SharePoint the Rescue Channel?

Be it for better or worse, the application counts for ecosystem have become the standard for smartphone reviews. It is in fact true that there actually are few applications pertaining to Windows Phone 8 featuring some blazing neglects. For instance, the omission of a native application of Dropbox stands to be a major one for a number of enterprise workflows. Moreover, the range of niche applications that are otherwise easily available on Android or iOS are simply isn't present in this particular device. Having said this, the device does feature some of the top players in the market like Facebook as well as Foursquare.


While, a number of top players are missing, Microsoft offers a powerful feature to the device that matches few platforms i.e. SharePoint along with native Office integration. Windows 8 can easily connect to the service of hosted SharePoint as a prime aspect of the email setup. Following the connection, the company account appears in a different location in a manner similar to desktop Windows. You can store and recover the files easily from the specific location. Additionally, the integration is also extended towards message boards and group calenders for a frequent user of SharePoint, which is available through SharePoint mobile.


Moreover, a mobile variation of Office also appears in Windows phone, which is actually incorporated in its basic stage. However, enterprises are less likely to face any major problems when it comes to simply viewing the documents and incorporating basic edits into the same. Additionally, the feature of adding comments to the document is also available. Though the use of the application on the phone might not be overwhelming, it certainly does not disappoint when it comes to reviewing and making basic edits to documents on the go.


The exclusive blend of the basic document reviewing and viewing along with SharePoint integration stands as the biggest enterprise advantage of the Windows Phone 8. The rapid spread of Smartphone and its adoption across the globe introduces a number of challenges pertaining to enterprise applications; however, the fundamental enterprise applications based on SharePoint are working quite nicely on the device. While there is always a room for more customized and advanced work spaces, the development is quite promising.


A small business enjoying the support of Office 365 could easily be able to distribute service manuals quickly to small consultancy firms, mobile support staff, along side offering invoice templates that can be filled up by the client. What appeals more is that all this can be done at ease without any dependency on development tools or requirement of writing code. Additionally, you also need not worry about the ecosystem of the mobile.


Is a Switch to Windows Recommended?

Well, it can be guaranteed that the Windows Phone is sure to offer a pleasant experience than might be actually imagined. The interface is astonishingly creative, once you get acquainted to the fundamental paradigm of horizontal scrolling. Additionally, enterprises relying heavily upon SharePoint can also benefit from the particular device. The hardware is quite matching to the market leaders, the OS is quite pleasing and user friendly. Furthermore, the integration does present interesting enterprise feature.


What delights the enterprise more is the fact that a Windows Phone usually starts from a range of $100, which comes around to be $200-$300 less than the Android and iOS competitors. Therefore, an enterprise looking forward to integrating a service group empowered by mobile capacity or field sales, this indeed comes up as a potential combination. Even, general users looking forward to investing in an Android or iOS can also consider to rely upon the device. The out-of-the-box and interface functionality of the device is indeed offering wonderful social networking, calling, and emailing options without the need of installing a list of applications for the support. You can hire developers from top companies providing SharePoint application development services in India who can help you build Windows phone applications in SharePoint within allocated budgets and time schedules.


We provide SharePoint 2013 mobile development services. If you would like to talk to one of our SharePoint developers, please get in touch with us at Mindfire Solutions.

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