What Differentiates ROR 4 from ROR 3?

01/07/2014 11:57

Rails e-commerce site development

As an open source full-stack framework, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is widely used by developers across the worlds to rapidly develop web application. Along with featuring an independent routing system, RoR also supports popular software engineering patterns like model-view-controller (MVC), don't repeat yourself (DRY) and convention over configuration (CoC). The developers also have option to choose from different versions of the Ruby programming language based web application development platforms, including RoR 3 and RoR 4. If you are yet to migrate to the most recent version of Ruby on Rails, it is important to understand some of the features that differentia these two versions.


Some Major Features that Differentiate RoR 4 from RoR 3


Changed Mass Assignment Mechanism

The RoR 4 comes with completely revamped mass assignment mechanisms. The mechanism can still be used to feed unfiltered params to the model by putting into a gem. However, the hashes need to be generated by using the require and permit methods on the param hash. The model will also support the hashes generated in a new way. The change makes it easier for programmers to separate model from the user interface. They can simply state the attributes to be updated explicitly to eliminate mass assignment security risk.



The fourth release of Ruby on Rails generates normal HTTP links using JavaScript. While serving the web page initially, it generates normal links. But when a user clicks on a link, it deleted all markups and updates the URL displayed in the address bar with the markup generated from the HTTP reply. The feature makes it easier for developers to increase the speed of their web applications. As the browser is not required to check the changes in CSS and JavaScript files, no additional requests are sent to the server. A single request from the browser can generate and deliver the results more efficiently.


Default Thread Safety

By default, RoR 4 is designed as a thread-safe development framework. So the same Ruby process can now quickly process multiple requests on threaded HTTP servers. However, the feature does not make all gems used by the application thread-safe. Also, the application code cannot maintain its states automatically. So the programmers need to ensure that individual gems are thread safe to avoid problems when the application code interacts with any global variables or class variables. The feature must be used carefully to avoid data corruption and application crashes.


Live Streaming

The most recent version of Rails also supports live HTTP streaming. The HTTP streaming feature can be used by web application developers to doll out response to a user request over a time. So the user requests are not required to be responded at once. During the streaming process, RoR will simultaneously produce output, wait for new data generation, and continue streaming new output after waiting for a specific amount of time. The feature can be used by programmers to optimize the performance of RoR applications that use streaming videos and media.


Improved Cookies Serialize

RoR 4.1 also serialized cookies in a completely different way to make the web applications more secure and stable. Earlier, the objects placed inside cookies Hash were being serialized and deserialized by RoR programmers through Marshal.dump and Marshal.load. The method was prone to the risk of remote code execution by attackers. The most recent version of RoR comes with an improved JSON serializer that supports simple JSON data types like string and integer. Thus, the complex objects that can be used by attackers cannot be generated. The programmers also have option to use a hybrid serializer to smoothly convert their existing marshalled cookies into JSON cookies.


The fourth release of Ruby on Rails intends to keep the primary codebase lean by pushing several features of RoR 3 into separate gems. At the same time, RoR 4 has evolved as a more modular web application development framework with major changes in its internal architecture. You can get in touch with a ruby on rails development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Rails e-commerce site development services. If you would like to hire Ruby on Rails developers for your development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.