Top 9 Amazing Facts about PHP
Business has been getting smarter over the years as a courtesy of fast technological evolution. The merits or demerits of technology tendencies can be judged by the kind of influence they have on enterprises. Trends that have no influence on the presentation of businesses in their domain go away, not ever to be glimpsed again. But the ones that help enterprises improve their profitability in more ways than proceed on to become the catalysts for change. Various software technologies have taken the business to a modernize way of representing in the web. Among the popular technologies PHP is probably the most known web development language right now. At least 20 million domains use PHP and it’s the language used on major sites such as Wikipedia and Facebook as well as in some of the world’s biggest open source projects like WordPress and Drupal.
We are well into 2013 and it has thrown up some advanced technology trends that have the potential to affect business and that too in a good way. Some amazing things happened just after the birth of PHP. It has met most of the business needs today from small to midsize and big size business.
Amazing Facts:
PHP's abilities include outputting images, PDF files and even Flash movies generated on the fly.
PHP can be used on all major operating systems, including Linux, Unix variants, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, RISC OS and probably others. PHP has also support for most of the web servers today.
With PHP we can make a template with our own site. One can redesign the look of a site often, or just keep the content fresh on all the pages. By keeping all of the design code for the entire site in separate files and it can be accessible as PHP files to the same design. This means that if one makes a change, he only needs to update one file and all of your pages will change.
If one wishes to add a Poll, PHP is the best which provides the GD library and thus help in displaying the results of the poll visually instead of just listing the results in the text.
Hosting a Web Forum is easier with PHP now. It is a popular language to create a web forum. One can use a forum that already exists and modify it for your needs, or can write a new one from scratch. PHP will usually store forum information in a MySQL database. This allows large quantities of information to be stored and accessed quickly as required.
PHP helps to create a page hit counter which can get the number of people visited on one's site. For a simple counter you don't even need to have a database, you can do it with just PHP using flat files.
PHP even helps in getting information about last visited users. It can do this by storing a cookie in the user's browser. When they come back, you can read the cookie and remind them that the last time they visited was two weeks ago.
PHP gives the ability for a company to have a dynamic presence on the web which allowed the company to conduct its business electronically, in essence having an electronic shop. Products can be advertised, sold and paid for all electronically. PHP websites can be exposed to hundreds of users around the world for almost no cost and with information being able to be changed almost instantly, the site can always be kept up to date with all the latest products to match with consumer demands.
The attractiveness of PHP lies in its simplicity. It is very simple to understand and discover, especially for those with backgrounds in programming such as C, javascript and HTML. The language is alike to C and Perl so that anyone with a background in either C or Perl programming will feel comfortable using it.
Technology has advanced and many things are possible now with a few clicks. One can build customized websites in quicker time with PHP. With the power of technology today, businesses can understand their customers better and can initiate steps that help them build richer and more fulfilling relationships with their customers. The convergence of mobile computing, social networks and contextual services has meant that achieving customer intimacy is no longer an impossible task.
2013 will be the year for PHP which has many badly needed features which will see businesses making a perceptible shift towards implementing threat monitoring tools and data safety research teams, deployment of central management tools to enforce across the board security policies, data encryption, and more focus on cloud security. Newer versions being added with latest features getting more quality work in many countless projects, thus advancing PHP to the next level. PHP development India teams can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide PHP web development services. To know more about the expertise and certifications of our expert PHP developers, please visit us at Mindfire Solutions.