PHP Zend: Presenting tools for the Mobile and Cloud
For any offshore industry organization, PHP turns out to be the perfect code base for swift application development and deployment. As technologies are becoming more and more mobile, and content becoming available across cloud facilities, it is highly anticipated that PHP will come up with something easy and effective for this platform too. Zend Studio 10, derived from PHP’s Zend framework, has brought in innovative tools that make room for a suitable drag- and-drop ambience within the mobile app industry. Another Zend development tool from the closet of PHP is Zend Server Gateway which serves as an API with respect to cloud facilities revolving around the Representational State Transfer or REST architecture. Before we explore these tools let us have a brief understanding of the beneficial aspects of the Zend framework.
Reasons for Popularity of the Zend Framework
Loosely coupled: The Zend Framework can be utilized in the form of a component library. This implies that one can opt for working with a single component or a group of components existing in the framework. For instance, if you need to make use of the Zend Pdf, then it is possible to do so without making use of other components available within the framework. In fact, decoupling of components is done to the greatest extent possible.
MVC constituents: MVC (Model View Controller) components are also available within the Zend framework. This enables the separation of user interface from business logic. Mapping of HTTP Requests is done to a specific function within the user land controller set. The front controller structure is also implemented.
CLI and web programming: Zend framework can be used to compose CLI scripts. Argument parsing functionality is provided by the Zend_Console_GetOpt constituent.
Documentation: The documentation of Zend Framework is exhaustive. Documentation is available in 6 languages in more than 500 pages. Along with the reference guide, online access to and downloading facility for API documentation is available.
Support: There are a number of support channels available in Zend, the official one being the mailing list, which involves active participation from Zend developers. Moreover, a plethora of unofficial forums are available online.
Value creation by Zend: Zend Server and Zend Studio constitute the platform and IDE products available from Zend. Both of these come with a community version that can be freely utilized and provide integration across Zend framework. Partnering with organizations such as Sitepen, Adobe and Google enable Zend to leverage the components of these partner companies.
Zend for the Mobile and Cloud
The capabilities of the PhoneGap mobile industry are integrated by Zend Studio ten with respect to JQuery, thereby crafting a remarkable drag-and-drop ambience for swifter development of mobile applications. For a company operating within the PHP application domain, PhoneGap is of immense help as it enables UI prototyping for Android, BlackBerry, RIM, iOS mobile and Windows Phone operating systems. Design expedient back-ends are provided ranging from cultural media to business applications.
The Zend Server Gateway offers integration of cloud facilities within the drag-and-drop ambience of Zend Studio ten facilitating convenient validation and authentication. The Zend server upgrade enables automatic deployment of applications within the cloud and ensures the availability of dashboards for monitoring the operation of the application across manifold cloud scenarios of the application. Auditing and compliance features are synchronized within the upgrade facilitating Root Cause Analysis (RCA) without making any changes to the live code. The partnership between Zend and Red Hat has led to the introduction of the PHP engine to aid the OpenShift platform. Other remarkable cloud tools that come via Zend are Zend Application Fabric and
The PHP Zend industry is advancing rapidly, bringing in cutting edge technology for PHP based network apps, thereby ensuring the implementation of the most cherished network applications within the stipulated time at economical rates. PHP application development teams can help you build projects within allocated budgets and time schedules.
If you want to hire a PHP developer for your PHP web development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.