Perl and its demand in the software industry

21/04/2015 12:14

Perl web developmentPerl is one of the oldest languages on the earth. It was developed in 1987 i.e. around 30 years back!! Larry Wall created this programming language that is heavily inspired from C. Perl is a procedural language when it was born just like C. Later on, as per the industry demand it get reformed with time and become an Object oriented programming language. When it was born, it was aimed to write programs for UNIX that was the boom at that period. With time, it modified itself to develop other applications including the modern era web applications. Perl programming is extremely interesting and the perl programmers love to develop applications that are not only efficient but also beautiful.

Perl is widely known as a CGI Scripting language i.e. Common Gateway Interface language. Hence it has a terrific potential for web development applications; because, Perl can be used in any web application that needs connection with database. In simple word, it works as an interface between the Frontend and backend database. It can be integrated with many programming languages like PHP, Python etc. The best part is a web developer can use any database like Oracle, Postgres, MySQL etc for his web application through Perl. That is not the end; you can also use Perl application for your fully fledged websites! I mean you can develop a full website using Perl. You can write an enterprise standard web applications using Perl.

Web development can give you more mileage: Yes! When you develop web applications in Perl, you can get an increased efficiency of around 2000% than before! Can you imagine this power in your website! It will make your application up to 20 times faster than before!! Hence Perl is highly recommended for large scale web applications that need more speed and efficiency. Applications having frequent database interactions can get adequate performance boost through Perl. You will be astonished to know that web applications like,, LiveJournal and ticketMaster etc are developed in Perl and we need to say that these web applications need more speed while connecting with huge database on the backend. So, you can also get similar speed and power through your websites that will definitely give an awesome experience to your users.

Perl can be used for e-commerce web applications without any security holes: Well, we have already discussed about the power and efficiency of Perl for large scale web applications and that is why it is also called as “The Duct Tape of the Internet”. It is unbelievable that Perl is highly stable when we think of web server applications. A Perl programmer can build much more reliable secure web application than the same developed by any other programmer like PHP, Java etc. This is because, Perl makes the query to run much faster than other programming languages maybe Open Source or Proprietary. Perl has the ability to resolve complicated file management, process management and text manipulation in a much simpler way than others. Hence in the industry there is extremely high demand for a Perl developer for every reason.

We provide Perl web development services. If you would like to hire Perl programmers for your web development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.