List of Java frameworks that are weapons for developers

06/01/2015 12:52

Java developmentWhy Framework for Java: In modern IT industry, we can’t ignore the importance of web technology. There is a stupendous growth of web development in past few years. We have seen almost all sectors are now depending on the web industry directly or indirectly. There was a time when websites were limited to a specific class of sectors but, with time it is now a passion to launch a website. Moreover, web developers are getting huge demand in the industry. Understanding the situation, many web domain specific languages get born in past few years like PHP, RoR, Python etc. To challenge them, Java which has an undisputed track record in developing desktop applications come up this time with JSP. JSP is for web development projects. There is a heavy demand for JSP developers in the industry because it is extremely fast, reliable and dependable option than others.

But, web developers find it difficult to write thousands of lines of code while developing an application on Java as against hundreds of lines in PHP or Python. To avoid this situation, there appeared many frameworks in Java to build web applications not only faster but also efficiently. Well, web developers or JSP java developers get a tremendous support from these frameworks in developing enterprise standard web applications on the fly. Let us have a look over few industry leading Java web frameworks.

Spring: This is probably the best Java application development framework in the industry. It has MVC architecture at its backbone. It can develop any size web application on the fly. The majority of web developers use Spring framework to develop enterprise standard web applications. The best part is it can take the help of Shale, Grails, Struts to develop even stronger web apps. It takes care a lot about reusability of your codes and hence the developer need not to think much about the coding part rather he will focus on the other prospective of the project.

Struts: It is from Apache group. It is Open source framework for java developers for web development. It has extremely simple structure and hence it has gained a huge popularity among java developers in very fast pace. Web developers can develop enterprise standard modern web applications using Struts framework. The best part is Strut supports better UI and it is extremely fast.

Shale: Shale is a new and modern web framework for JSP developers and it is highly inspired from Java Server faces. It helps in developing modern web applications not only efficiently but also effectively. It has modern features like View Controllers, Application manager, Dialog manager, Remoting etc. Moreover, Java developers can integrate this to Spring framework and hence they can build powerful web applications with the combined power of both spring and Shale.

Eclipse: It is an Open source framework for java developers. It is extremely reliable framework due to its strong history. It is extremely popular IDE to develop client side apps and native apps for modern era smart phones and tablets. The best part is web developers can develop multi platform native apps on the fly using this framework. It also supports other languages like Ruby, C, C++, COBOL etc.

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