Dependencies in ROR that developers face during development
Ruby on rails is one of those fortunate products of the industry which received a quick popularity among the developers. It is just few years old technology and it has seen a tremendous growth in the industry. It is already an established brand in the IT world and there is a huge potential for the ruby developers in future. Well we can’t say it’s a total luck rather there is some logic behind its success. It is launched at a time when the industry was hunting for a good web development tool which possesses potential to develop quick websites to meet the demand of the industry. Fortunately ruby on rails is a language framework combo which is extremely efficient in developing quick web applications on the fly. So we can say it was the perfect break through for the industry when the industry was carving for such platform. So it spread like a fire in the industry and gained an overnight popularity. Anyway today we will discuss about some of the challenges and dependencies of ruby on rails from the ruby developers perspective.
RoR developer should give maximum priority to inbuilt functions: When it comes about dependencies the first thing that comes to our mind is compatibility. Well a web developer or ruby developer can write a specific function in different ways. Rather I would say one function can be written in hundreds of ways. But what makes it unique is the standard and optimisation of the function. So as a ruby on rails developer you must try to achieve optimisation through proper use of all its inbuilt functions because, these functions are already optimised and extremely compatible with the platform. Hence in order to take the maximum advantage of the framework a ruby developer must use those in house functions and libraries for optimised application development.
Sometimes, up-gradation becomes fatal: Up-gradation helps the ruby developer in many ways like enhancing the power of the framework, improving the efficiency and productivity of the ruby on rail developer. So it is strongly suggested to update your framework in order to get those improvements and advantages for your application. But sometimes it is extremely fatal to up-grade your software with the old codebase on its backbone. It may lead to instant crash of your web application due to incompatibility issue. Well it can be fixed by the ROR developer but it’s better to take necessary precautions before you move for up-gradation. So as a web developer you must aware of those incompatibility issues before you are taking such a strong decision.
Make sure you are not going closer to compatibility issue: As stated above, while you are dealing with software up-gradation you must ensure that it will not create any incompatibility issue in your application. Moreover, even when you are taking the help of any third party plugins or modules in your application you must ensure that it is compatible with the current version of software.
You must ensure that your app is future ready: To be a good ROR developer or web developer you must be aware of all future possibilities of your application i.e., you should learn how and if any modern technology can be integrated to your application to give an interactive and future ready look and feel to your application. Technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery are our intention for efficient ruby developers. You can get in touch with a Ruby on Rrails development company who can help you develop apps that are stable, scalable and secure.
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