5 Reasons Why Startups Specifically Use ColdFusion?

09/08/2013 19:44

ColdFusion DevelopmentUnlike established software development companies, the startups have to develop projects with limited resources. Many startups also look for a rapid web application development platform that is familiar to their developers. When the developers of a company have already experience in building robust web applications using a specific framework, it becomes easier for them to develop new websites without putting any extra time and effort. However, some widely used rapid web development platforms like Adobe ColdFusion can complement business process and budget of new software development companies.

According to its needs, the company can choose from the developer, standard and enterprise editions of ColdFusion 10. At the same time, latest version of the framework also comes with a set of innovative features to easily build a variety of websites, internet applications and web services. Also, some of these features help small companies to keep the cost of software development project under control. If you are evaluating rapid web development platforms for your startup, it is time to understand why ColdFusion is used specifically by startups.

5 Reasons Why ColdFusion is Widely Used by Startup Companies

  • Easy to Build Robust Web Applications: Often a startup company has to develop web and mobile apps with limited resources. As it can afford to deploy only a small team, it becomes essential for the company to divide time and resources properly to build, implement and market the application. ColdFusion comes with a set of features that help startups in completing projects in a faster and cheaper way. The developer can avail these advanced features to work seamlessly with mail, spreadsheets, databases, PDFs, PDF forms, presentations, SharePoint and full text search. The features make it easier for developers to build interactive websites without writing lengthy code.

  • Several Good IDEs: ColdFusion further come with a set of good IDEs, open source libraries and projects. So the web application developer has option to pick the right IDE according to his skill and experience. Along with Eclipse based IDEs like CFEclipse and ColdFusion Builder, the developer can also use some of the popular IDEs like Coda, Dreamweaver, Textmate and IntellijIDEA. Similar to the IDEs, the programmers also have options to use a variety of open source ColdFusion frameworks like Model View Controller (MVC) frameworks, unit testing frameworks, and dependency injection/inversion of control frameworks. The pre-built tools provided by the IDEs and frameworks help programmers in building powerful web applications at a rapid pace.

  • Scalable Enough to Handle Heavy Load: While developing a website, programmers often look for efficient ways to boost its performance by handling heavy load. The scalability of a system depends on a number of factors including user interface tuning, database tuning and the right caching system. Similar to other dynamically typed languages, ColdFusion is also scalable enough to handle heavy load. The feature of the web application development platform further makes it easier for developers to check the system scalability. ColdFusion is designed with built in ehCache integration that allows developers to work with clustered caches in a simple and straightforward way to optimize the performance of the website.

  • Seamless Integration with Client’s Existing System: Along with developing new website and web applications, startup companies also have to integrate the software into the existing system of clients. As the type of software and systems used by clients vary, the software developers have to choose a framework that can be integrated with other technologies seamlessly. Also, the startup company needs to ensure that the integration will not require additional investment. ColdFusion supports a wide variety of technologies including XML, SOAP, .NET assemblies, RESTful web services, Java objects, PDF forms and SMS gateways. As ColdFusion objects are configured with remote access options, they can be published automatically as SOAP pr JSON resources to make it simpler to work with APIs.

  • Boost the Performance of Web and Mobile Applications: The updated version of ColdFusion is designed with built-in support for HTML5 and RESTful web services, Tomcat integration, and enhanced caching. These features make it easier for programmers to optimize the performance of their web application without putting any extra effort. Further, the programmer can avail the advantages of Hotfix installer and scheduler to make their websites secure by using advance encryption and authentication techniques. At the same time, the HTML5 support enables them to optimize user experience by designing web applications with video player, interactive charting, web sockets and geo-tagging.

On the whole, ColdFusion 10 comes with loads of features to make the requirements of both established and startup companies. The innovative features help startups to leverage ColdFusion web development tools to build rich web applications for clients while meeting the latest web 2.0 trends. Along with reducing the amount of time and efforts required to complete the project, the ColdFusion is also effective in controlling the project cost and overheads.

We provide ColdFusion application development services. If you would like to know more about the expertise of our expert ColdFusion programmers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.