
What Differentiates ROR 4 from ROR 3?

01/07/2014 11:57

Rails e-commerce site development

As an open source full-stack framework, Ruby on Rails (RoR) is widely used by developers across the worlds to rapidly develop web application. Along with featuring an independent routing system, RoR also supports popular software engineering patterns like model-view-controller (MVC), don't repeat yourself (DRY) and convention over configuration (CoC). The developers also have option to choose from different versions of the Ruby programming language based web application development platforms, including RoR 3 and RoR 4. If you are yet to migrate to the most recent version of Ruby on Rails, it is important to understand some of the features that differentia these two versions.


Some Major Features that Differentiate RoR 4 from RoR 3


Changed Mass Assignment Mechanism

The RoR 4 comes with completely revamped mass assignment mechanisms. The mechanism can still be used to feed unfiltered params to the model by putting into a gem. However, the hashes need to be generated by using the require and permit methods on the param hash. The model will also support the hashes generated in a new way. The change makes it easier for programmers to separate model from the user interface. They can simply state the attributes to be updated explicitly to eliminate mass assignment security risk.



The fourth release of Ruby on Rails generates normal HTTP links using JavaScript. While serving the web page initially, it generates normal links. But when a user clicks on a link, it deleted all markups and updates the URL displayed in the address bar with the markup generated from the HTTP reply. The feature makes it easier for developers to increase the speed of their web applications. As the browser is not required to check the changes in CSS and JavaScript files, no additional requests are sent to the server. A single request from the browser can generate and deliver the results more efficiently.


Default Thread Safety

By default, RoR 4 is designed as a thread-safe development framework. So the same Ruby process can now quickly process multiple requests on threaded HTTP servers. However, the feature does not make all gems used by the application thread-safe. Also, the application code cannot maintain its states automatically. So the programmers need to ensure that individual gems are thread safe to avoid problems when the application code interacts with any global variables or class variables. The feature must be used carefully to avoid data corruption and application crashes.


Live Streaming

The most recent version of Rails also supports live HTTP streaming. The HTTP streaming feature can be used by web application developers to doll out response to a user request over a time. So the user requests are not required to be responded at once. During the streaming process, RoR will simultaneously produce output, wait for new data generation, and continue streaming new output after waiting for a specific amount of time. The feature can be used by programmers to optimize the performance of RoR applications that use streaming videos and media.


Improved Cookies Serialize

RoR 4.1 also serialized cookies in a completely different way to make the web applications more secure and stable. Earlier, the objects placed inside cookies Hash were being serialized and deserialized by RoR programmers through Marshal.dump and Marshal.load. The method was prone to the risk of remote code execution by attackers. The most recent version of RoR comes with an improved JSON serializer that supports simple JSON data types like string and integer. Thus, the complex objects that can be used by attackers cannot be generated. The programmers also have option to use a hybrid serializer to smoothly convert their existing marshalled cookies into JSON cookies.


The fourth release of Ruby on Rails intends to keep the primary codebase lean by pushing several features of RoR 3 into separate gems. At the same time, RoR 4 has evolved as a more modular web application development framework with major changes in its internal architecture. You can get in touch with a ruby on rails development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Rails e-commerce site development services. If you would like to hire Ruby on Rails developers for your development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.

Know Java before Opting for Enterprise Java Services

16/06/2014 11:59

Java web application developmentAlong with the conventional application, Java is nowadays also being used for creating enterprise, mobile and Cloud apps. So developers have to rely on Java Enterprise Services to deliver rich user experience. In a multi-tiered environment, the components of Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) can be installed on several client systems. However, the features of these J2EE components are completely different from standard Java program features. Further, a developer needs to use the Java Enterprise APIs to support a variety of network services and distributed computing technologies. So each developer must be familiar with the use of different Java APIs to use those as a building block to create robust enterprise applications.

Widely Used Java Enterprise APIs that Each Developer Needs to Know

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): The Java Enterprise API is used by developers to work with relational database systems. But the API is independent of other vendor-specific APIs defined by specific database systems. Along with sending SQL query and update statement to the server, JDBC further allows the application to retrieve and iterate the results send by the server. Further, it provides Meta information related to the database and its tables. A custom driver needs to be implemented to make the application communicate with individual database server products.

Remote Method Invocation (RMI): As a programming model, RMI provides a high-level approach to distributed client-server computing. An enterprise application can use RMI to communicate with the server by invoking methods on objects that reside on the server. But the methods can be invoked by using the syntax for invoking local methods. Despite being comprehensive, the Java RMI implementation is both simple and easy-to-use. But it requires both client and server to be implemented using Java.

Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Distributed Objects: The CORBA-based solution is used to invoke remote methods when the client and server are not implemented in Java. CORBA is also used as a standard by the packages and sub-packages of Java 2 platform in the org.omg.CORBA. The interface for CORBA objects are further described by the Interface Description Language (IDL) that is independent of both language and platform. A developer can also use Java implementations of the CORBA standard launched by Sun and other vendors.

Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI): The Java Enterprise API makes it easier for developer to work with networked directory and naming services. They can use the API to access name servers and directory servers, and look for data or objects base on their names or a set of specific attribute values. However, JNDI is not specific to any specific name or directory server protocol. As a generic API, JNDI can be used with a wide variety of name or directory servers.

Java Message Service (JMS): Most developers use the Java Enterprise API to work with networked messaging services. The API further allows them to write message-oriented middleware (MOM). However, message, in context of JMS, refers to a chunk of data that is transferred from one system to another. So the programmers can use messages as event notifications readable across systems. However, the JMS is a vendor-specific messaging service. So the developers have to install a JMS provider according to their message servers.

Java Transaction API (JTA): Normally, the distributed transactions make distributed enterprise systems more complex and complicated. The Java Transaction API is designed to help programmers in managing distributed transactions efficiently. As it works seamlessly with transaction services, it becomes easier for programmers to define individual Java bindings for each standard XA API for distributed transactions. Thus, the enterprise application can use the specific service to coordinate between different distributed transactions.

The individual as well as enterprise developers rely on API-based access to Enterprise Java data and services. These APIs further make it easier for the developers to build mobile and Cloud applications. So it becomes essential for programmers to understand how to manage these API processes efficiently. You can get in touch with a Java web application development companies who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide java web development services. If you would like to hire offshore java developers for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Mitigate Risk with Quality Software Testing

12/06/2014 18:07

software testing servicesAs several reports have highlighted, the poor quality of a software application can have a negative impact on its reputation and branding. In addition to losing revenue, the enterprise may also have to incur additional cost towards litigations. So it becomes essential for each enterprise to thoroughly evaluate the quality of the software before its commercial launch. A quality software testing plan helps organizations in accomplishing several tasks.


Along with assessing the features of the software, the plan will further make it easier to identify the differences between the given input and the expected output. Many organizations, nowadays, include software testing as an integral part of development process to save time. However, an organization has to carry out a variety of tests to ensure that the software is flawless.


Different Types of Testing to Assess Software Quality

Unit Testing: As the name indicates, unit testing is done to evaluate the quality of a particular unit or a group of related unites. This form is testing comes under the purview of white box testing. The QA engineers conduct unit testing to find out if the unit or related units implemented by them are producing the expected output against given input.


Integration Testing: Often developers have to combine several components to produce the desired output. Integration testing is conducted to check the interaction between hardware and software after the integration is over. It also aims to decide the relation between individual hardware and software components after integration. Integration testing can be categorized as both white box and black box testing.


Functional Testing: Each software application needs to be validated according to its specifications. Further, the QA engineers need to ensure that it performs all the required function. Functional testing includes a series of tests to validate the behavior of the software feature by feature. The testers often input a variety of normal and erroneous data to check the API, use interface, database management, networking and security. Functional testing can be conducted using both white box and black box testing methodologies.


System Testing: Normally, system testing is done to check how the software application runs across different operating systems and environment. To carry out system testing effectively, the QA engineers are required to implement the full system and create the exact environment. System testing is considered to be part of black box testing.


Stress Testing: The testing is conducted to evaluate the performance of the software application under unfavorable conditions. The black box testing methodology is further conducted to decide under what amount of load the application fails and how. So stress testing is always conducted beyond the software specification limits.


Performance Testing: The efficiency and speed of the software is measured through performance testing. While conducting performance testing, testers check if the application meets predefined performance requirements by generating results within a stipulated timeframe. Performance testing comes under the category of black box testing.


Usability Testing: The testing is conducted to decide if the application is user-friendly or not. So usability testing is always conducted from the perspective of end-users. This method of black box testing also aims to identify if the end-users can easily learn and use the software or not. Further, the tester evaluate whether the look and feel of the application will impress the users.


Regression Testing: Each time any modification is done to the software, system, components or related units, regression testing is conducted. This form of black box testing aims to check if the performance of the software application remains unaffected due to the modifications. However, all modules need to be tested to ensure that the desired results can be produced.


Acceptance Testing: This method of black box testing is always conducted by the client. Once he received the software from the developer, the client checks if the delivered product meets the specific requirements. So the testing is conducted to decide if the software meets the client’s requirements and expectations.

Beta Testing: Normally, beta testing of the software is done by an outside team not associated with its development. The testing is also conducted after a beta or full pre-version of the software is released to the public and end-users. So this method of black box testing aims to identify and fix all unexpected errors.


An enterprise can further consider automating the software testing process to avail a number of additional benefits. In addition to making the software testing process more efficient, the automation will further make it easier for QA engineers to validate and verify the application in detail. If you are planing to hire software testing services company, you must evaluate them to see if they are sufficiently dexterous or not!


We provide qa testing services. If you would like to hire software testers for your testing needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Why is Perl being Popular among Programmers?

12/06/2014 12:27

perl web applicationDespite being implemented as an interpreted language, Perl is being used by programmers for a variety of purposes. Many writers have even compared Perl to a Swiss army chainsaw due to its powerful, dynamic and easy-to-adapt nature. At present, each developer also has option to choose from Perl 5 and Perl 5. Both versions of the programming languages belong to the same family. But each version of the Perl can be used for entirely different purposes. If you are yet to migrate to Perl, it is a good idea to have a look at some of its most prominent features that make it popular among programmers. 


5 Special Features that Make Perl Popular Among Developers


1) Borrows Features from Several Programming Languages

The overall structure and features of Perl resembles that of many other widely used programming languages. For instance, the overall structure of the programming language is broadly derived from C. Likewise; it also borrows features from both Shell and Lisp. Perl supports a number of built-in functions that are used in Shell programming. It also allows programmers to use features like lists, hashes and regular expressions in a manner similar to Lisp programming. The combination of these features makes Perl usable as a high level language from a wide variety of tasks.


2) Supports Complex Data Structure

Along with the object-oriented programming model, Perl also supports complex data structure and several functions. For example, the Perl programmers have option to use references, class-based method dispatch, lexically scoped variables and packages. At the same time, they can further package the code to create the reusable models. The features make it easier for developers to save both time and effort through the enhanced code reusability.


3) Does Data-Typing and Memory-Management Automatically

Often developers have to write additional code for memory-management and data-typing. But the Perl programmers can easily accomplish these tasks by availing the automatic memory-management and data-typing feature of the programming language. For instance, legal-type conversions like converting a number to string can be done automatically at the runtime. Further, the interpreter knows the storage and type requirement of each data object in the program. Thus, it can easily allocate and free memory space using the reference counting, without any manual intervention.


4) Usable for both Scripting and General Purposes

In addition to being a general purpose programming language, Perl is also used widely by developers in scripting context. As the Perl syntax is similar to Java, C++ and C#, it can be used by web developers familiar with these programming languages. Further, Perl enables programmers to accomplish certain tasks in a number of ways. So they are not required to follow any standard way or coding practice to accomplish specific tasks.


5) Comes with Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN)

The Perl programmers have option to access the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) to avoid writing complex code. CPAN is a centralized and well-maintained repository of a variety of Perl modules. Each Perl module can also be used in a manner similar to C libraries. Thus, the developers can integrate these modules seamlessly in their programs and scripts according to their programming requirements. At the same time, the Perl Regular Expressions make the programming language more effective in manipulating and processing text. The built-in support for text processing further optimizes the performance of Perl as a dynamic scripting language.


As noted earlier, you can choose from Perl 5 and Perl 6. But you must remember that Perl 6 is designed as a completely new language specification without backward compatibility. That is why; you also need to understand the key differences between the two distinct versions of Perl. You can get in touch with a perl web application development companies who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Perl Web Development services. If you would like to hire perl programmer India for your development needs, please visit Mindfire Solutions.

How Can Coldfusion Builder 3 Give You A Better Experience With Coldfusion 11?

10/06/2014 12:14

Coldfusion development servicesThanks to a series of value added features, Coldfusion Builder 3 provides a much better experience with Coldfusion 11. Let us discuss the highlights of ColdFusion 3 as well as 11.


WorkFlow of Mobile Application Development

CF 11 along with CF Builder 3 provides the users a very distinctive end-to-end workflow, when it comes to development of mobile applications. It addresses all the challenges and takes care of the issues that crop up while building, deploying or debugging various enterprise class apps – both installed as well as web based mobile applications.


Enhancement or development of languages

Version 11 of CF comes up with a series of language enhancements along with a wide range of value added features that can be termed as full CFSCRIPT support, JSON enhancements and support for the Member Functions.


PDF Functionality

Version 11 of CF is available with a new HTML engine and the option of PDF conversion that converts HTML/CSS to their corresponding PDFs in a seamless as well as perfect way. Besides, CFPDF comes up with some additional functionality for supporting various digital signatures along with archiving PDFs.



CF 11 also features an in build mechanism, that stops the access to the Administrator and its components from any external access. Besides, it also has certain value added functions that prevent XSS and in the process, help simultaneous logins from different locations through CFLOGIN. Besides, it is also compatible with mail encryption with the help of CFMAIL.


Again, CF 3 when gets bundled with version 11, takes the form of a bundled copy of CF Builder 3. Again, CF documentation is much similar to and in line with the concept of writing similar codes in other languages, namely JavaScript. Besides, it also comes up with support for map() along with the reduce() functionality to various structures, arrays, lists etc. in Adobe CFML. Map() as well as reduce() is extremely important when we talk about expressive programming in JS as well as across other big idea tools. Again, when so far as programming using functional style is concerned, map() and reduce() are the most vital tools that will come in handy to achieve that objective.


Version 11 of CF has really enhanced the performance of the version 3. The IDE starts as well as complete all the Eclipse based setups within a matter of a few seconds –that means, much faster than under Builder 2.


CF version 11 is also available with the capacity of building applications more quickly. It works more quickly as well as aptly with the full support of CFSCRIPT, social login integration along with some other language enhancements. It also generates high end PDF files from the HTML pages and manipulates them in an extensive way. It also archives these files as self contained records or documents.


The version 11 is also compatible with mobile technology, allowing maximum CFML expertise along with skills. This also gives the liberty of supercharging the workflow of mobile applications with the use of using unique debugging as well as multiple device capabilities.


It is also extremely easy to deploy and thus it makes the server more secured as well as safe, with the use of new functions that are designed for sanitizing the user input and restricting the default remote access to the administrative portal.


It also helps in Tomcat integration, improved caching, along with improved MS Office integration, for making sure that the applications run faster and without the need to change any of the codes whatsoever.


With all these value added features, ColdFusion 11 enhances the functionality of its version 3, thereby giving the end users a much better experience, making the platform much adorable as well as more popular amongst the end users. You can get in touch with a custom coldfusion development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Coldfusion development services. If you would like to hire expert coldfusion developers for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Top 10 mistakes that Python programmers should avoid

09/06/2014 11:50

Python development servicesThe high-level interpreted programming language of Python is object-oriented with dynamic semantics. It is combined with dynamic binding as well as dynamic typing and built in data structures. It inspires Rapid Application Development as well as glue or scripting language for connecting of existing services or components. Packages as well as modules are supported by Python which encourages code reuse along with program modularity. The syntax is easy to learn as well as simple which often misleads Python developers, especially if a person is new to the language. So this article attempts to capture 10 of the most common mistakes that they should avoid.


List modifying during iterating- An experienced developer knows the folly of deleting something from an array or list when iterating over it. However, this is often done unintentionally. To handle this there are many elegant programming paradigms in it which have to be used properly to get streamlined as well as simplified code which help them delete this confusion.


Initializing the variable- The language does not allow you to use names within expressions until a value has been assigned to a particular expression. This helps in prevention of common typo mistakes, avoiding the question regarding what exactly automatic defaults should be. So counters should be initialized to 0, list accumulators to [ ], etc.


Remembering the colons- A very common coding mistake often committed by beginners is forgetting the colons. Typing a simple thing as a colon when the compound statement headers end, should never be forgotten as it is very important. Most new programmers do forget to do that; however, after some time it becomes a habit that comes to you unconsciously.


Consistent indenting- In indentation of a particular single block, the spaces and tabs should never be mixed unless the exact reaction between the system and codes are known thoroughly by the developer. Otherwise whatever is seen in the editor just may not be the thing that is seen by Python when the tabs are being counted as number of spaces. So the best thing to do is to use all spaces or all tabs for every block; the number to be used is entirely up to you.


Provision of every argument that is expected of a command- This is another thing which should be followed religiously. Not only for the built-in commands, but even for your own functions and library calls you should provide the proper arguments. If only two arguments are given while three are expected, then an error will be thrown by Python. Similarly if three are expected but four are given then an error will be thrown as Python does not know what exactly needs to be done with the fourth argument.


Starting in 1st column- One thing which is a must-do thing is starting from the very top-level, unnested code in left, at 1st column. This includes unnested codes typed at interactive prompt along with unnested code typed in module files. Indentation is used by the language so blocks or columns of nested code can be delimited. This means that white space at your code’s left denotes a nested block. Except for indentation, white space is ignored everywhere.


Using parentheses for function calling- To call a function, a parentheses or ( ) after it is used; this is disregarding the fact whether arguments are taken or not. Normally functions are just simple objects with some special operation called call but it can only be triggered with the use of parentheses.


Capitalization and spelling- Python is very sensitive to capitalization as well as spelling since any change in respect of these two factors will make them unique in its eyes.

Incrementing interation value of while loop- If a while loop’s control value is not incremented then the end result is an infinite loop.


Single equal operator or “ “ to test equality- When a value is being tested, it is mandatory to use double equal operator otherwise it will result in errors.

This flexible and powerful language has many paradigms as well as mechanisms which can improve productivity. However, if the understanding is limited then it might prove to be an impediment. The best way to handle this dilemma is to familiarize yourself with Python’s key nuances, so that it can be used optimally. You can get in touch with a offshore Python development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Python development services. If you would like to hire Python developers for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Features in Java 8 That Will Change the Way You Code

06/06/2014 14:43

java web developmentAs a widely used computer programming language, Java needs no introduction. The class-based and object-oriented programming language further enables developers to run the same code on multiple platforms without recompilation. Recently, Oracle released Java 8 with a set of new features, enhancements and bug fixes to complement the most recent trends in software development. Some of these features at the JVM and programming language level will even change the way you code.


Five Java 8 Features That Will Change the Way You Code


1) Lambada Expressions

Implementation of Lambada expressions is one of the most significant features of java 8. The dominant feature will make you change your coding habits. You can use the feature to use Java like other prominent functional programming languages. Also, the features make Java usable with functional JVM-based languages like Clojure and Scala. The Lambadas have further been integrated tightly into the core language libraries related to array and collection libraries. So the coding will be incorporated into the Java code written by both in-house and third-party developers.


2) Parallel Operations

Along with Lambada expressions, Java 8 also comes with a key concept to facilitate parallel operations. Often programmers are required to use loop operations to facilitate internal iteration. But Lambada expressions make it easier for them to carry on actual iteration over a collection. They can simply invoke a Lambada function to carry out the iteration through a core library. The function will act as an extension of iterators to extract the next item from a collection. You can avail the feature to sort, filter and map the items while the processing is carried on simultaneously by the framework.


3) New Date and Time API

Java 8 also comes with a completely revamped data and time API. The API allows developers to handle date and time in a natural, easier-to-understand and more natural way. Thus, now it becomes easier for you to avoid the complex native Java library API that was using conventionally to handle date and time. The most recent of Java further implements the data and tome API from scratch to facilitate clean operation to manipulate the values in a format that is readable by both humans and machines.


4) Nashhorn JavaScript Engine

Oracle has further integrated the Nashhorn JavaScript Engine into JDK. The Java applications can access the high performance yet lightweight engine through the existing APIs. You can avail the features to eliminate the gap between Java and JavaScript. While integrating JavaScript into your backend, you are no longer required to set up a node.js. The code can be executed simply by using the JVM. Thus, you are not required to use several IPC and RPC methods to bridge the gap between Java and JavaScript.


5) Concurrent Accumulators

Many developers find it a daunting to decide the right way to update numeric counters that are accessed simultaneously by multiple threads. A developer also has option to update the numeric counter through read/write locks, synchronized blocks or AtomicInteger. Each option requires the programmers to implement the semantics 100% accurately. But Java 8 makes it easier for you to update the numeric counters without any hassle by using the new concurrent accumulator classes. The concurrent accumulators can increase or decrease the value of the numeric counter in an efficient and thread safe manner. Further, you can use the class without worrying about the accuracy of semantics.


The most anticipated version of Java also comes with several security enhancements. You can use an advanced mechanism to replace the existing hand-maintained list of caller sensitive methods. In addition to identifying the methods accurately, the mechanism further makes their callers discoverable in a reliable and efficient way. You can get in touch with a Java web services development company who can help you develop applications that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide java web development services. If you would like to hire java developer for your development needs, please visit Mindfire Solutions.

Why is Silverlight the Best Choice for Rich Internet Applications?

05/06/2014 11:22

RIA DevelopmentSilverlight is designed by Microsoft with the features and capabilities required for developing rich internet applications. Many web developers use Microsoft Silverlight in a manner similar to Adobe Flash. The latest version of the application framework further supports graphics, multimedia and animation, along with CLI language and a variety of development. On the whole, the web application developers can use Silverlight to build and deploy rich internet application without putting additional time and effort. If you are planning to migrate to Silverlight, it is a great idea to understand some of its key features and advantages.


Prominent Benefits of Silverlight for Building Reach Internet Applications


Greater User Acceptance and Adoption

While choosing a web application development framework, developers look for features that boost the acceptance and adoption of the application. Also, the programmers explore options to make the transition from rich desktop application to browser based application smooth. The innovative presentation of content and interactive features will make the Silverlight applications popular among users within a short span of time.


Advantages of Other Widely Used Technologies

The web application development frameworks and technologies launched by Microsoft are hugely popular among developers across the world. Silverlight enables you to build rich internet application by availing the features of some of the widely used Microsoft technologies like .NET and XML application markup language. If you have already worked with these technologies, it will be easier to start developing Silverlight applications.


Enhanced Data Visualization Capabilities

You can even consider using Silverlight for internet application development to take advantage of its powerful data visualization features. The features will make your internet application more engaging, interactive and animated in comparison to conventional browser-based applications. The innovative visualization tools provided by the framework will make it easier for you to rapidly create graphics, audio, video and animations, along with integrating third party codec.


Same Development Model for Different Web Browsers

Often web developers have to invest additional time and efforts to make an internet application compatible with major web browsers. They also find it a daunting challenge to achieve cross browser compatibility. But Silverlight makes it easier for you to achieve cross browser compatibility without putting any extra effort. You are also not required to write and test code by targeting individual web browsers. The development model provided by Silverlight optimizes the compatibility of your web application across different operating systems and web browsers.


Implicit Data Templates

Often end users expect the data delivered by the internet application to be formatted and displayed in a specific way. Silverlight enables programmers to format and display the data in a number of ways without using the keys defined in styles or templates. They can simply use the data templates provided by the framework implicitly to format and display data in a variety of ways without defining the data template keys explicitly.


Reduction in Development Time and Cost

Often programmers use different sets of designing and development tools to deliver rich user experience. But the efforts of both designed and developers must be coordinated seamlessly to keep the users engaged. Silverlight enables both developers and designers to use one solid platform for the complete project. So the applications helps in reducing the efforts required for designing, developing, deploying and maintaining an internet application. As the Silverlight applications behave consistently across different web browsers, it becomes easier to test the application thoroughly within a shorter pan of time.


You also have option to develop and debug Silverlight applications using Visual Studio. However, you have to install Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio to build the application using Visual Studio. Further, you can develop rich internet application by using the development tools used with the .NET programming languages. The option helps you to rapidly develop rich web applications without writing lengthy code. You can get in touch with a RIA Development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Silverlight Website Development services. If you would like to hire Silverlight app Programmer for your development needs, please contact us Mindire Solutions.

Why should you pick Python over PHP?

03/06/2014 12:13

Python DevelopmentCurrently Python and PHP can be considered the two most popular programming languages of the world. Naturally there are some distinct disadvantages and advantages of both. Recently there are a lot of people who are switching over to Python from PHP. Making such a decision can never be an easy one. However, here are some reasons which might help make this decision easier for you.


Debugging as well as profiling tools- The debugging tools in Python are very easily available and the developer ecosystem is quite bigger. The tools can be effortlessly used and that too to your advantage. PHP requires several tools but in Python there is no need for so many tools. The simple debugging tools in the platform’s downloader package are sufficed for your work.


Lambdas- By virtue of lambdas a significant advantage has been gained over PHP by the other programming language. The crafting process is really simple as well as easy; the flow within the language is very slick as well which makes professional developers take full advantage of them when the job demands them as the apt tools. This function cannot really be matched by PHP.


Popularity- PHP is of course without any denial, widely popular; in fact it can even be said to be more popular than Python as an open source programming language. Thus jobs as well as developers are readily available in the market due to the increasing demand. However, if instinctive counter can be taken for the other language, the lack of popularity as well as demand may act as its strength. The rarity of developers ensures that they offer good quality services. Since the learning curve is steep in the language, it is a sure thing that the developers are well-informed and learned; they have surely learned all the nuances of the language so that the end job done is perfect as well as high in quality. When comparing the qualities of both the developers it will be seen that the Python services will be far better.


Feel good factor- One of the most important reasons for anyone choosing a particular thing is the feel good factor; if it does not feel good then few people would endeavour to do it. Most people prefer Python due to this very reason. The main reason for this may be attributed to the simpler syntax of the language which makes the writing process much easier. It is also very easy to understand its entire coding process.


Documentation- The core documentation of both languages is excellent. However, the documentation of the language in focus is higher in quality as well as more extensive. There are many translations available in PHP which is absent in this language. The program code of the platform can include documentation on classes, modules as well as functions which becomes their respective attribute. It may be accessible from within the language as well. When compared to PHP manual, its manual is strictly structurized as well as presented since colorized examples, invaluable user comments and cross-links are used, which makes the process of understanding much easier.


Maintenance- From the maintenance point of view, Python is mostly referred to be the easier of the two to maintain. Its scope of access is much preferred and there is plenty of support from large communities in case problems arise.


Python is a preferred language over PHP when you develop a scalable application. The same may be done in the other language as well, but the entire process of doing so in it is much easier when compared to PHP. On top of that the language is supported by Google with Google App Engine where the hosting of web sites on Google’s server can be made for free. Frameworks such as Django are also supported by Google. However, before you make the particular decision you must analyze your personal preferences and requirements. You can get in touch with a custom Python Development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide Python development services. If you would like to discuss with Python experts India programmer, please contact us Mindire Solutions.

Ways to Optimize Your ColdFusion Application

02/06/2014 11:58

coldfusion web development border=When it comes to optimization of ColdFusion application, there are quite a variety of processes that can be followed. ColdFusion optimization mostly follows a process that includes a proper development as well as coding practices. For instance, a good database usage or design is one of the most significant contributors of effective ColdFusion applications.


Performance is an extremely essential feature of a server or application and things are no different in case of ColdFusion. For internet based applications, it is important that a huge number of users are able to access it, for that is what will evaluate the performance metrics of the application at the end of the day. When we speak about ColdFusion, it is a language as well as a server, and that is the reason, there are a number of approaches that can be taken to improve its performance.


Technically speaking, there are basically three sectors that can be tuned in so as to improve or optimize ColdFusion application. They are:


  • Java Virtual Machine or JVM parameters

  • Administrator settings

  • Coding the best practices


Now let us look into these thee parameters in fairly details.


Tuning the performance by using the JVM Parameters

ColdFusion is actually based on J2EE platform and hence, JVM parameters are the best, when it comes to tuning or optimizing its performance. In fact, version 10 of the application by default comes up with Java Run Time Environment or JRE version 1.6.


Again, Sun JVM is compatible with a number of arguments that are used for optimizing or tuning the performance, alter debugging and change the fundamental behaviors.


Tools for measuring the performance

When it comes to measuring or evaluating the performance of the ColdFusion application, one of the most tried and tested tools is GCViewer. It helps to collect the garbage collection profiles and evaluate various metrics like heap size, frequency, pauses and so on. Another tool that comes in handy for evaluating the end to end performance is the freeware JMeter software from Apache.


Again, ColdFusion administrator also is an excellent option that can be used to evaluate the performance. However, it depends upon certain issues like the amount of load, number of involved CPUs and last but not the least, on the very application itself.


Another highly effective way of optimizing the performance of the ColdFusion application is disabling the debugging process. It does not mean simply turning off all the IP addresses that are assigned for debugging. The process needs to be turned off completely. This is a tried and tested method and it is seen that turning off the debugging process significantly increases the activities by many folds.


Another way to boost up the speed is using bind variables. In CF, this can be accomplished with the use of tags in the SQL statements. Besides being secured, it is faster as well.


The latest CFMX and the Java versions come up with certain server settings that can well be adjusted for optimizing the activities. The settings page of CF administrator comes up with a setting for the maximum simultaneous requests. One needs to adjust the value depending upon the specific server as well as the application. If the value is too low, then the requests will start queuing up, thereby slowing the proceedings down. Again, if the value is too high, the CPU will start getting bogged down in its effort to process too many numbers of threads simultaneously.


Most of the optimizing methods of CF involve a better development as well as coding practices. Proper database designing along with usage is some of the prime contributors when it comes to optimizing the performance.


Two most important CF MX tools for optimizing ColdFusion are cfstoredproctag and cfquerytagwith cached Withinattribute.


One of the primary reasons behind the slowing down of the CF is incorrect as well as poor database designing and usage. Hence these methods need to be followed in an efficient way for optimizing the activities of CF. You can get in touch with a ColdFusion web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide ColdFusion application development services. If you would like to hire ColdFusion developer for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

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