
AngularJS Fundamentals and more

05/11/2014 15:41

JavaScript developmentGoogle created AngularJS, a JavaScript MVC framework, to create websites that has proper architectures and is easy to maintain. The reason why AngularJS is preferred is because it uses numerous concepts to organize the web apps. It also enhances the HTML by attaching the directives to the webpages with new tags so that the powerful templates in the directory can be easily defined. Owing to its dependency injection, this framework aids to structure and test the Java code quite conveniently. AngularJS is considered a powerful framework and this is its fundamental strength. Let’s explore why it is gathering so much popularity at such a fast pace or why the developers are taking it seriously while developing a plethora of applications.

XAML Developers can work easily with it

XAML once became quite popular with the developers owing to the use of Silverlight, Windows and WPF app developments. The features present in it are also found in Angular as well. Here are the reasons why the XAML became popular as a declarative language. It was used to instantiate set values and object graphs. Several kinds of objects (with properties) could be defined. Then a set can be marked for developing it. Most commonly the UI elements to be developed were controls and panels that generally create the display. By using XAML, the layout of UI can be made easily. This language is also used for data binding. As a result a relationship exists between the data as well as the presentation layer so that the components can avoid hard dependencies. These same features are also found in the Angular framework. This allows a separation of concerns that leads to a parallel flow of work amidst the various components, like, the markup for the user interface. It also fetches and processes data.

It mitigates the rituals and ceremony

Creating a text property to bind it to your user interface by using AngularJS is an easy task. It will also work with immediate effect by displaying what you have typed in the span. However, you will rarely have the luxury to build an app as simple as that but it explains how easily one can work out data binding with the help of this framework. There is hardly any elaborate ritual or ceremony associated with creating a model for data-binding. There is no need to derive anything from another object or declare the properties. The developers can simply pass what they already have to the framework. It will just work fine.

Declarative UI

HTML is utilized by this framework to define the user interface of an app. HTML is a declarative language which is quite intuitive. It defines the JavaScript development in a proper procedure as well as with lesser irregularities. HTML is also known to be less brittle while reorganizing. Moreover, several UI developers can be involved if a view is written in HTML. This is also required while executing the apps.

Dependencies are dealt with

The framework can take good care of the dependency injection. Testing and Single Page Application are the two areas where this feature works the best. Angular allows dividing the app into logical modules while testing which are initiated separately but can be dependent on each other. This helps the developers to bring in the modules that they need. The Single Page Applications make use of the dynamic loading. With Anugular it becomes easy to organize the apps as all you need to do is put in your requirement and the rest of the work is taken care of.

Data models do not need extra functions

Data models are POJO (Old JavaScript Objects). The properties can be altered or added directly on it. In this way the code looks cleaner. The traditional data models are responsible for server syncing and data persistence. But in this framework the data models are plain objects. These act like a cork board where the data is stored and retrieved from. These are known as scopes.

Due to these features AngularJS is considered as one of the most adaptive frameworks by the developers and can be applied to create impressive apps.

We provide JavaScript application development services. If you would like to hire expert JavaScript programmers for your app development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

High Performing ASP.Net Application Development - Best Practices

31/10/2014 05:45

ASP.NET developmentAs a server-side web application development framework, ASP.Net is used widely for creating dynamic and high performing websites, internet applications and web services. Microsoft has further designed the framework to allow programmers to write code in several .NET supported languages including C# and VB.Net. You can always use ASP.Net to reap a number of benefits including less coding, rapid development, enhanced security and easy maintenance. At the same time, you can also use a set of rich server and client-side controls to accomplish a variety of tasks without writing longer lines of code, while enjoying complete control over the application. However, it is also important to understand and use some best practices for high performing ASP.Net application development.

5 ASP.Net Best Practices for Developing High-Performing Web Applications

1) Use HTML and CSS instead of Control Adapters

Since the release of .Net 2.0, developers use control adapter to render customized code according to individual devices and environments. But you have option to render customized code by using HTML and CSS. You can render customized code by using CSS media queries and standards-compliant HTML to improve the application’s performance. It is also recommended to use HTML and CSS instead of control adapters. Many developers even prefer converting the existing control adapters into HTML and CSS to improve the application’s performance.

2) Use CSS Stylesheets instead of Controls’ Style Properties

ASP.Net web server controls allow programmers to change their look and feel by using in-line style properties. However, they also have option to set the formatting value of these web controls through CSS stylesheets. For instance, instead of using the forecolor property of a web control, you can use CSS stylesheets to set the color of the control. The use of CSS stylesheets will help you in avoiding setting values for individual web controls. Also, you can use centralize style values to easily change the look and feel of these web controls.

3) Avoid Using Page and Control Callback Methods

Often programmers are required to update specific part of a web page without refreshing the page completely. It is a common practice among ASP.Net developers to accomplish partial page update through Page and Control callback methods. But programmers do not realized that use of these Page and Control callback methods affect the application’s performance by creating issues related to routing and friendly URLs. You can always improve the performance of your ASP.Net application by disabling the callback methods. The partial page updates can be performed more efficiently by using AJAX, MVC, SignalR, Web API or UpdatePanel.

4) Use Dynamic Browser Capability Detection Feature

The popularity of a website or internet application, nowadays, depends on its compatibility with various devices and web browsers. While using earlier versions of ASP.Net, programmers were required to detect supported features for each browser by storing these supported features in XML files. But the static method of detecting the supported features for individual browser can have a huge impact on the performance and popularity of the application. So you must detect the supported features for each browser dynamically by using specially designed frameworks like Modernizr. The framework will use a specific property or method against the browser to detect if the browser produces the desire results.

5) Enable Auto Generated Client Side Validations

Most web programmers rely on the request validation feature of ASP.Net to prevent perceived threat by identifying and stopping bad requests. But you must remember that the request validation feature is not effective in fully combating cross site scripting attacks. To eliminate the threat of cross site scripting attacks, it is important to validate all user input, and encode the output. ASP.NET MVC 2 further allows developers to keep the client-side and server-side validations separate. You can simply enable the client side validations to protect the website from cross site scripting attacks by adding client side validation.

On the whole, you have to learn several ASP.Net best practices to rapidly develop high performing websites and web applications. Also, you must avail latest version of ASP.Net to avail several new features and capabilities. These features will help you in improving the performance of the ASP.Net applications without putting any extra time and effort. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire dot net programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Hibernate in Java - What is it and how does it help?

29/10/2014 15:19

Java web developmentHibernate ORM or simply Hibernate, as it is called in short, is an object-relational library for mapping in Java. It is designed to provide a framework for mapping the object-oriented domain model of a conventional relational database. It also solves various object-relational impedance mismatch issues through the process of replacing the direct accesses to persistence-related database with some high-level functions of object handling.

The primary feature of Hibernate is mapping from various Java classes to the database tables and also from Java type data to the SQL type data. Besides, it also provides the option of data retrieval as well as data query. It generates various calls pertaining to SQL functionality. Besides, it also helps developers save time along with labor by automated object conversion as well as handling of result sets. Java based applications that use Hibernate support databases of SQL with hardly any performance overhead whatsoever.

Hibernate also comes up with ORM, which has everything to do with helping an application to achieve a certain degree of persistence. Again, Persistence can best be defined as the intention of the data of an application to outlast the process of the application itself. In terms of Java, it is to make sure that the state of the objects lives beyond the JVM scope of the same state that is available subsequently.

Specifically, Hibernate ORM is also concerned with the persistence of data because it applies to RDBMS. When we talk about the fraternity of the Object-Oriented applications, there have often been a hue and cry regarding usage of an ODBMS instead of RDBMS. It should be apt to mention at this juncture that RDBMS still remains extremely popular mechanism of persistence and it is likely to remain so in the days to come, and credit for this goes to Hibernate.

Its applications are also designed to define the persistent classes, which are mapped to the database tables. Besides taking care of Java class mapping to the database tables and from data types of Java to the data types of SQL, the applications also provide a wide range of retrieval facilities as well as data queries. They are also equipped to reduce the development time significantly, for otherwise manual handling of JDBC and SQL can be tediously time consuming and laborious.

The USP of Hibernate is that it is designed to considerably reduce the time for development, which is otherwise spent in handling data in JDBC and SQL. It’s another primary objective is to relieve the developers from most of the tasks (almost 95 percent) pertaining to programming that is related with common data persistence, through the process of eliminating the need of manual as well as hand-crafted processing of data with the use of JDBC and SQL.

However, Hibernate like most of the other persistent solutions cannot hide the SQL power and thus, makes sure that developers get more than what they invest. According to a certain school of thoughts, it might not be the most ideal solution when it comes to data-centric applications that can only use the store procedures for implementing business logic into a database it is extremely useful when it comes to dealing with models of object-oriented domains and business logic. Also, it is helpful in removing and encapsulating the vendor-specific SQL codes. It also helps in translating sets of results from the tabular format to graphical format.

A majority of the functionality that is provided by Hibernate is configurable. This phenomenon allows the developers to opt between various strategies that are in-build with the library. However, whenever the built-in strategies fall short of requirements, it provides the option of plugging in the developers’ own custom implementation through the process of implementation of an interface. Extension points generally include primary key generation, SQL dialect support, caching strategies, JDBC connection management, transaction management, ORM strategies, property access strategies, proxy creation etc.

It also has the capacity of abstracting the environment in which it is deployed. In the case of an environment that is not managed, Hibernate is equipped to take care of the transactions as well as the JDBC connections.

However, in case of environments that are managed, Hibernate can integrate with the container-managed transactions as well as data sources. It can well be configured for the deployment in managed as well as non managed environments. In both the environments, the first thing that is to be done is starting Hibernate. You can get in touch with Java web development companies who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Java programming solutions. If you would like to hire expert Java developer for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Improve website performance, scalability and save money - ASP.Net

28/10/2014 14:13 web developmentASP.Net, a server-side script, helps in delivering database driven and dynamic content by applying minimal effort to the clients. But this is not the only reason why it is used so widely by the developers. There are several techniques and tools which can be conveniently employed to improve the performance and scalability of the website. At the same time, ASP.Net is also a cost effective method to achieve these ends.

Measurement of time

In order to optimize the performance of any website it is important to find out where maximum time is spent on a website. A free tool called Fiddler can be used to achieve this end. It has a timeline feature that stores all the requests made on a website and how long each of them took. If you want you can also save an archive before further performance improvements can be added. Besides this, there is another tool, Keynote, which can also be used to measure the performance of a website. There are agents throughout the Internet which collect performance report at various intervals of the day. These reports can then be compared with the other primary Internet retailers to review the performance.

Http Compression

This is another way to improve the performance of the website. ASP.Net includes this technique to reduce bandwidth usage as well as increase the pace of loading for the webpages. This concept is quite similar to the way one generally compresses files on the system to save spaces. The IIS web servers are capable to compress both dynamic and static files by using the HTTP Compression component that is found in the web.config file. In this regard, it is important to note that smaller files are delivered at a greater speed on the Internet.

Minimizing and Consolidating

Minification is a process through which the file sizes can be reduced significantly. The contemporary websites mostly have various kinds of JavaScript and CSS files. Browsers generally have limited connections to the web server. As a result, the time taken to download all the files is quite long. Tools, like, YUI Compressor and AjaxMinifier help in minimizing. These files can then be also consolidated into a single file (or couple of files). This way the browser just needs to make a single request to the web server to get them.

Use of Browser Cache

This factor hugely improves the performance of a website. There are local cache locations in the browsers where copies of CSS, JavaScript and image files are stored from various websites. These default files stored here cannot be used next time a browser visits the website. When the browser downloads the same page again, he will find it already existing but cannot decide whether the information is updated. Hence, the web server must be contacted every time for a file and check whether the file is fresh. This takes a long time. To solve this issue the option is to take the help of expirations.

Data cache

ASP.Net is known for providing Cache objects that are impressive for storing data on the web server. It checks the database just once in a day and keeps the results appearing the Cache object. This enables the webpages to load faster and they also do not require waiting for the database response any longer.

Use CSS for indexing

This is another effective way for decreasing the number of requests required to get a page. This can be achieved by amalgamating a number of small image files into a larger file and ten make use of the CSS to index the larger image. As a result the individual images required for a webpage can be seen. There are several tools which can perform this task. They also the CSS styles needed to access every image.

Tools to test performance

Google Page speed and YSlow are tools which can be utilized to derive recommendations for improving the performance. These tools are quite effective in suggesting exactly which alterations should be made to ensure success.

Cost effective ownership

This is another USP of ASP.Net although it affects the owner of the website instead of the developer. Finding dot Net developers is not a big deal. The customers mostly opt for ASP.NET as it is cheaper and support for it is also easily available.

Owing to such advantages the ASP.Net open source server side framework is preferred to develop web applications when compared to the other frameworks. You can get in touch with a custom web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net development services. If you would like to hire .net developers India for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Why do Start-Ups Use ColdFusion for Development?

26/10/2014 22:02

Coldfusion development servicesNormally, small companies and startups use open source technologies to curtail project overheads. But many reports have highlighted the huge popularity of ColdFusion among startups despite being a commercial rapid web development platform. Adobe has released ColdFusion 11 with features and tools required to create both mobile and web applications by using a single platform.

The most recent version of ColdFusion comes with several new features to facilitate the development, debugging, testing and deployment of applications. So the small and startup companies are using the commercial rapid web development platform to beat competition by delivering high-performing and scalable applications within a stipulated span of time.

What Makes ColdFusion Popular among Small Companies and Startups?

Easy to Learn

The startup companies often develop web application with inexperienced programmers. The businesses look for simple and easy-to-learn web development frameworks. Like HTML, ColdFusion allows developers to create applications using tags. The ColdFusion tags seem like extensions of normal HTML tags. So the programmers familiar with HTML can learn and use the platform without putting any extra time and effort.

CFML Scripting Language

ColdFusion also allows programmers to use a distich scripting language know as ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML). The scripting language runs on .NET framework, JVM and Google App Engine. Like JavaScript, CFML can also be put between tags. The CFML scripting makes it easier for programmers to create complex and large applications without writing longer lines of code.

Support for HTML5

Within a short span of time, HTML5 has becomes an integral part of modern web development projects. ColdFusion 11 comes with several HTML5 enhancements. It allows developers to use both Adobe Flash player and HTML5 video player. The developers also have option to optimize the application’s performance by using HTML5 web sockets. So the programmers can now use HTML5 extensively to make the web applications compatible with all major operating systems and web browsers.

Additional Test Server Not Required

Adobe has designed the ColdFusion 11 Enterprise edition with all the features required to create and deploy both web and mobile applications. So the programmers can now use a single platform to develop scalable and high-performing applications. Once the application is developed, it can be used with web servers like IIS or Apache. The programmers can write scripts by using the application itself as the web server. So the startup companies are not required to invest in additional test servers.

Option to Integrate with Other Technologies

Nowadays, each internet application needs to be integrated with third party applications and APIs. While developing applications with ColdFusion, the programmers have option to integrate it with other Macromedia products. For instance, they can use Dreamweaver to design the web pages, and ColdFusion for scripting. The ColdFusion code can be inserted into the Dreamweaver files without any hassle. Likewise, they can use the built-in editor to modify the code in a quick and easy way. The integration makes it easier for startups to curtail the overall development time and efforts.

Customize the Application’s Look for Multiple Devices

An internet application is nowadays being accessed on a wide variety of devices. So the programmers often find it daunting to optimize the look and feel of the application across multiple devices. But ColdFusion 11 uses the built-in Weinre server to make it easier for developers to inspect the application’s look and feel across different devices. Further, the programmers can use ColdFusion Builder to customize the application’s look simply by modifying the properties of elements.

Adobe further allows the startups to use the standard, enterprise or developer edition of ColdFusion. So it becomes easier for businesses to pick the right edition of the commercial web development platform according to the needs of their project. But each edition of the platform helps startups in developing high-performing and scalable applications without deploying additional resources. You can get in touch with a custom ColdFusion web development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Coldfusion development services. If you would like to hire ColdFusion web developer for your development needs, please contact us Mindfire Solutions.

Is ASP.Net Shopping Cart a Good Option for e-Commerce Sites?

20/10/2014 11:28

.net application developmentBoth new and existing businesses, nowadays, prefer selling their products and services online. But each business has to consider several factors while creating a web store. Along with deciding the process to fulfill the orders and a payment gateway, the business must choose the right shopping cart solution. While comparing the shopping cart solution, it is important to focus on some key features, along with the user experience. A constant increase is also noted in the number of ecommerce platforms using shopping cart solutions based on ASP.Net. It is also a good idea to understand some of the major benefits of using an ASP.Net shopping cart.

Understanding Major Benefits of ASP.Net Shopping Cart Software

Easy to Use

You have option to choose from several shopping cart solutions written in ASP.Net. Most shopping carts are designed with simple and easy-to-use features. Further, these software applications can be integrated smoothly with ecommerce applications. So you can easily pick the right solution that will make your web store popular by delivering the ultimate shopping experience.

Flexible Product Management

You must choose a shopping cart solution that allows customers to add, edit and delete items in a quick and flexible way. Many web store owners rely on ASP.Net shopping cart solutions to enable customers to add, edit and delete items at their own pace before moving to the billing process. These solutions are designed with robust features to make product management quick and convenient.

Currency Converter

The ecommerce application will enable you to offer your products to customers residing in different regions. So the customers will want to know the prices of the products in their local currencies. The ASP.Net shopping cart solutions are designed with currency converters. So the customer can easily check the total amount due in local currency. The feature will encourage customers to visit your web store at regular intervals.

Integrated with Multiple Payment Gateway Systems

To deliver the ultimate shopping experience, you must allow customers to pay for the items in a number of ways. For instance, the customers must have option to pay through their credit cards, online bank accounts, Google Pay or PayPal. The ASP.Net shopping cart solutions work smoothly with several payment gateway systems. So the software will allow your customers to pay for the products without any inconvenience.

Safe Shopping Experience

The constant increase in online frauds is having a huge impact on the popularity of ecommerce. While buying products from a new web store, often customers hesitate to share sensitive information like credit card details. But the shopping cart solutions written in ASP.Net can avail the security features of .Net platform. The solution can further provide user authentication and password protection. So the ASP.Net shopping cart will contribute towards increasing your ecommerce site’s reputation and credibility.

Easy to Manage and Customize the Sites

Unlike conventional websites, an ecommerce site has to be updated and customized at frequent intervals. In addition to adding new products and modifying existing products, the seller also has to offer discounts and deals. The ASP.Net shopping cart makes it easier for you to update and customize the ecommerce site. It includes a strong administration panel to facilitate site management without affecting the shopping experience of users.

Option to Save Customer Data

There are several customers who leave the web store after checking the available products. Normally, these people add items to the shopping cart, but leave before moving to the billing process. The ASP.Net shopping carts are designed with features to track customer data, and save the information to a database. So it becomes easier for you to seduce such customers by offering attractive discounts and offers.

You also have option to choose from a wide range of ASP.Net shopping cart solutions for your ecommerce site. Some of these ASP.Net shopping carts are open source and free, whereas others are commercial. Also, you can consider creating a custom-made shopping cart for your ecommerce application using ASP.Net. You can get in touch with a custom .net development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide .net application development services. If you would like to hire programmers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Is Python more versatile than other programming languages

16/10/2014 14:42

Python developmentThe programmers use programming language in order to develop applications, scripts & programs to run the system. In other words, a programming language is actually a collection of instructions which can be used in order to communicate with a system. A large number programming languages have already been created as yet and much more are actually being created on a yearly basis. Programming languages & programmers have a very good future in upcoming time. It will always be an advantage if a person has a number of programming skills.

In case you are planing for Python course study, your options may very well appear confusing as well as complicated. There are in fact sites on the net which claim that they're able to provide you with Python knowledge as quickly as one/half hour. Which is absolutely untrue. However, you would be amazed to know that the number of individuals falls towards such type of marketing strategy. Having said that, there is going to be an additional 3 day trunk camps that would charge you a lot of money, also plenty of money will be spent on air travel, hotel dining. These are genuine, and many of these provide fantastic training, however for a lot of people they are not actually the most suitable choice. This type of trainings is best for those who already have a very good knowledge of programming in some other computer languages and have to learn Python in a rush for some project. Actually, it is possible about the a lot of individuals taking part in these types of trunk camps are not spending their own fees, their companies actually spend money on them to participate.

About modern work environments, Python coaching usually is an extremely significant part in a programmer's education. Being a vibrant language in whose style concept centers around readability & conciseness, Python is a popular option for using as a scripting language. Similar to some other interpreted languages, Python is a lot more versatile compared to put together languages, and also it allows you to tie different techniques combined. In fact, Python is a flexible language together with lots of applications in developing fields. For example, Python as a programming language meant for educational software. Raspberry Pi, the single-board laptop or perhaps a computer project for educating students on internet training, makes use of Python as its main programming language. In addition to that, most of it for only one Laptop for a Kid XO is published in the Python.

The other side of the educational scale, Python also is a highly effective language for the technical computing as well as statistical software for the theoretical arithmetic. Since educational software development continues to flourish, Python would become progressively more significant language to get familiar with. Additionally, to educational software, Python can certainly be one preferred language to use throughout any task. Since Python is the scripting language combined with rich text run tools, module structures, and also syntax eases, it's a natural and organic option for programs regarding natural language processing. Programs such as Wolfram Alpha dog along with Siri are only starting to go through the end-user market and much of this type program still in the future would be published in the Python. You can get in touch with a custom python development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Django development services. If you would like hire a Python developer India for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Python's ArcPy enables easy monitoring of teams

16/10/2014 12:32

Python developmentLillian Pierson is a spatial data scientist and fond of different spatial data analyze apps, she especially likes ESRI due to the automation it has and also for it's scripting capabilities. ESRI created a unique python library known as ArcPy. Using this library one can process, analyze, manipulate, and also watch spatial informatics all together. This automation ability can actually save the managers as well as the expert analysts countless hours which they would have usually consume during manual application and also repeat of spatial data analysing assignments. For demonstrative purposes, she was provided with the below mentioned example.

Around a year ago she was served with the below problem. One GIS manager who had a number of GIS experts digitizing stormwater infrastructure with as-built drawings. Every infrastructure kind had been digitized within it’s own individual shapefile, subsequently for the manholes it had a layer, for the gravity main it had a layer, and so on. Once concluding every single subdivision, the technician would normally make a polygon across that field in order to indicate that as complete and also to recognize individual responsibility regarding that part of the work product. The issue among all this had been that the GIS manager was not able to inform the amount of features was basically digitized through the polygon areas. Few subdivisions had been sparse in the infrastructure, and others had been really dense. Therefore, the amount of work carried out had not been really featured through the areas addressed by every single technician. For the project management use, the manager required a method to track, compare, and also to contrast just how much real digitizing services had been done by every single technician.

The manager wanted to have the ability in order to query any sort of date range with this information and then he wanted to get some data at a glance graphics to provide an instant idea of what exactly is going on with no trouble at his part. Being aware of ArcPy, the answer for this issue had been quite easy for Lillian. They required a python script which could clip all the infrastructure depending on the area polygon, and generate a tabular data table putting together the info for every infrastructure feature developed, date:time developed, as well as the name of the technician accountable for that entry. Finally, the script required to develop a basic visual-analytic output to present the manager infrastructure counts as well as a visual comparison of the work volumes carried out by every GIS technician.

Working with the ArcPy, Lillian completed the script code by the following day. Since that time, the manager continues to use the same script in order to easily and quickly query on, track, and evaluate the effectiveness of every one of his employees at any time period he therefore wants. This enables him to handle his staff more easity and also early detect whenever such involvements are be required. This had been an important requirement which was earlier could not be fulfilled due to the fact manual processing and also analysis had been time prohibitive. These days, using ESRI’s ArcPy package, a permanent solution can be coded up by the very next working day with no extra expenses on a hiring manager.You can get in touch with a custom Python development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.

We provide Django development services. If you would like hire a Python developer India for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

What does the future hold for WordPress Theme development?

15/10/2014 11:55

Wordpress DevelopmentFor the last 10 years since the introduction of WordPress, this CMS platform has been gaining all the more popularity as well as importance. In fact, as per the experts who are regularly dealing with WordPress, its future looks extremely promising in spite of the challenges that lie ahead. When it comes to discussing the future development of WordPress, it is likely to mainly focus on the following two areas – Refatoring and Usability.


That WordPress comes up with a too many codes does not need to be mentioned. However, a considerable proportion of the codes are not optimal. This goes particularly true for the codes that are original. Hence, this needs to be improved and it is likely that the future generations of WordPress will come up with considerable improvement, and thus get rid of this limitation. Truly, the future generations of WP will come up with a lot of value added features – scope of rewriting admin interface in Jscript along with improved as well as enhanced legacy elements. Also, the backwards compatibility issue is going to enjoy a considerable extent of attention from the developers.


Developers have put more emphasis on usability than on features while developing the version 3.6 of WP. Traditionally, WordPress has got a lot of hidden power and surprisingly, much of that power was hitherto left unused. That has been somewhat rectified in the new version. Also, the fact that the next generation WPs are likely to come up with new features will make them more user-friendly from the end-users’ point of view. Also, while the language has already been simple, it is likely to get even simpler for the users with lesser technical prowess.

Let us look into the other aspects of the future of WP.


Blogging is the core functionality of WordPress. This is mainly because WP is simple, fantastic and most importantly, extremely easy to use. Hence it allows everyone to share their thoughts as well as their view points, ideas and experiences with others. As the future generation WPs are likely to come up with more value added features and in a much simpler form, blogging will get easier and more acceptable to people, even those without any technical expertise whatsoever.


It is going to get more mobile. Internet can be accessed now with virtually all types of mobile devices and this, undoubtedly, is going to change WordPress, by making it more mobile. It is likely to go on changing, and adapting to the way people will access and use it, especially through mobile devices and this is a significant change that WordPress is going to see in the future.


WordPress has always suffered from a kind of identity crisis ever since it was introduced some 10 years back. Though it gained a huge amount of popularity over these 10 years, and people accepted it as the best and the most user-friendly blogging tool, one very basic question that has plagued the end users as well as the developers is – what actually CMS is? While according to one school of thought, it is a blogging software platform, for others it is a comprehensive CMS or Content Management System. Again, another group of people calls it a framework that can be used for blogging. Thus, in future, WP is likely to get a profound identity that will only underline its existence and importance.

Since WP after all, is extremely powerful as well as extendable, its future prospects depend upon how it manages to retain its simplicity, stay as a beautiful software that helps people to share thoughts with others and socialize in a different way.


This is another aspect that is going to determine the future prospect of WordPress application development. Each and every software platform has to encounter various types of attacks as well as challenges from various quarters and WP is no exception. Thus, the security aspects need to be strengthened by a considerable extent if it is to prosper as a reliable CMS platform in the future. Considering the amount of work that is going on for enhancing the security aspect, the future of WordPress looks considerably promising.

If you would like to hire expert WordPress developers from wordpress development India companies who can help you build wordpress cms within allocated budgets and time schedules, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

Selenium IDE - Few Things to Know About It

09/10/2014 12:35

selenium website testingSelenium IDE, a Firefox add on, that is used to create scripts, to record and debug them as well. IDE refers to ‘integrated development environment.’ As far as Selenium is concerned, it is an open source technology that offers a portable software testing framework. Since it is an open source, it is used by programmers throughout the world to improve the code constantly. The framework can also be used on all major platforms including Windows, Linux and Macintosh. It is also known to work on all the browsers. This plugin, however, is meant for Firefox only. It is utilized to record interactions with other browsers and can be replayed when required.

When was it developed?

Selenium IDE was independently developed by Shinya Kasatani. It was later amalgamated with Selenium in 2006. Earlier it was known by Selenium Recorder.

What is it used for?

This Firefox plugin is widely utilized to create testing scripts and bug reproduction scripts. Since all the features are integrated in it, the developers can easily test the web applications with the help of Selenium. All they need to do is install it as a plugin. The play back option helps in detecting errors. Thus, it comes across as a powerful IDE that is robust and can quickly simplify and automate a QA testing procedure.

There are certain features of Selenium IDE that makes it easy to use. This is the reason why it is popular with the developers. Here are some of the things that you should know about the plugin if you want to work with it:

Easy-to-use language: Selenese is used to record scripts in it. This scripting language aids the testers to put the commands to the browser quite easily. For instance, providing a command on automating a browser for clicking on a link or selecting an option is simple. Commands for retrieving data are assigned too by following a simple process. In addition, you can move around the commands fast. The developers can also make use of the auto completion for editing the commands. Selenese scripts are recorded automatically too. Another advantage of this language is that it is simple to comprehend. Someone with even a basic knowledge of website application will be able to use it within a short span of time.

Features of Selenium IDE: There is a Menu Bar, Tool bar, Base URL test box, Command window, Test Case pane and run or failure status sections.

The File menu on the browser has options for Test Suite and Test Case. These is used to add or open a new Test Case. You can also save or export it in a language that you want. The next is the Edit menu that enables you to delete, copy, paste, undo or select all kinds of operations. These will be helpful in editing commands found in the test case. The Options menu enables you to change the settings. Help menu, on the other hand, is the standard form of help menu that is present on the Firefox browser as well. Only a single item, UI-Element Documentation, is related to Selenium IDE. Besides these, there are the Actions and Options menu.

Another feature of this plugin is the toolbar. There are buttons in the toolbar to control the execution of the test cases. Speed control, Run, Run All and Pause are to be found on the toolbar.

How to install it: This can be installed only in Firefox. Get a copy of the software from Selenium HQ. It will be installed in a set of 5 extensions but the formatters will be separate for C#, Ruby, Python and Java. Once it is installed restart the browser and then go to Options Menu – Add Ons – Extensions.

Selenium IDE is one of the simplest ways to use the testing framework. However, there are certain drawbacks as well. For instance, the use of Selenium scripts is limited to Firefox. Only if these are combined with Selenium Core or RC can they be used on other browsers. Secondly, in order to execute the scripts, the developers will need Selenium Remote Control. In case this not used, then the developers will have to create HTML test scripts.

Finally, if you are really interested to use this plugin then you must know Javascript as the IDE core engine is based on this programming language. If you are planing to hire selenium testing company, you must evaluate them to see if they are sufficiently dexterous or not!

We provide selenium website testing services. If you would like to hire selenium tester for your testing requirements, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.

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