Perl Builder - Use It To Create An Awesome Internet Site

20/05/2014 11:18

Perl Web DevelopmentThose who want to work with Perl projects use the IDE Perl Builder which works very well. The Builder makes it very easy as well as fast to create as well as test scripts for both programmers and website designers or HTML authors without any programming background. The CGI Wizard is very powerful, allowing you to visually design form-handling scripts. The scripts can be created to validate user input, handle various kinds of HTML forms, send several automatic emails, show personalized HTML output and save data of users on your website- that too without any need for writing of codes.


The installation of the IDE is quite simple, taking just 5 minutes. The interface is clean with the program being extremely small. Your system must have Perl installed. The simple programming environment will make anybody comfortable and on top of that it is blessed with many features which make working with it a piece of cake.


Texteditor- The text editor comes as multi-tabbed along with a few special tabs meant for web browsers such as output and input. This acts as its basic interface; it works very well with features like bookmarks, syntax highlighting, outdent/indent of blocks as well as automation commenting. This tool is quite a favourite amongst most developers since scripts can be written accordingly to perform on codes. Some features will allow you to replace parts of the code which will save a lot of time while writing codes. In fact through editor scripts you can simply highlight some specific code, rest the Perl Builder will do for you. The code that an action has to be performed on must be highlighted and the apt item from the menu must be chosen. The highlighted part of the script will be where the code gets executed.


Extrafeatures- Except the editor, there are several extra features as well. Breakpoints can be set in codes along with timers as well as variable watches. This makes it easy for you to profile as well as debug your code. Breakpoints allow you usual options to step through code and run to other breakpoints. Any variable that you want can be included by watches but another dialog contains a fast watchlist consisting of standard variables. The several code analysis functions as well as dialogs are associated with each other; the dialogs are on top windows always allowing you to see whatever is going on while editing or running codes in main frame.


CGIWizard- Even non-programmers can write CGI scripts by virtue of the wizard which accepts HTML form data, emails several, messages to various recipients, generates response pages as well as validates the entries. The entire process is guided by the Wizard which does major part of the work. You just have to choose HTML form, then the variables are imported by the wizard and through the remaining process you are guided on the dos and don’ts.


Automation- This user-friendly IDE helps in customization of features easily, without too much of ongoing maintenance on your client’s side. Management of forum communities or installing customized customer feedback forms can be easily done. SQL along with most common database languages are supported by Perl.


Cross-website promotion- Perl easily enables content sharing amongst platforms and websites, including content sharing as well as social media sites. Some content sharing websites use Perl so that users can post their work on several websites to gain exposure. The process is automated by just some clicks.


Overall it can be said that Perl Builder is a very impressive tool which can be used both by experienced as well as beginner programmers. The powerful features along with clean interface make it very easy to handle programming as well as creation of great internet site. You can get in touch with a perl application development company who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide perl web development services. If you would like to hire perl programmer India for your development needs, please contact Mindfire Solutions.