Offshore Web Development - Benefits and Challenges

07/07/2014 11:21

offshore developersThe practice of outsourcing development or maintenance of various projects has become quite a common trend nowadays. This is mainly done so as to cut the cost of development as well as maintenance, as it is seen that offshore technicians or developers charge much lesser than their local counterparts in web development. However, when we speak of offshore development, the practice has its own advantages as well as disadvantages that need to be addressed at length.

Let us at first deal with the advantages of offshore web development.


Fast development backed by expertise

In majority of occasions, web development is outsourced to those vendors who are specialized in this field. These vendors are not only pretty experienced, but are properly equipped with specific equipment and are rich with high level technical expertise that at times surpass the one that is available to the outsourcing business. This results in faster as well as hassle free development with a much better output.


This helps to concentrate on the core processes instead of the supporting and ancillary processes


Once the supporting or ancillary processes are outsourced, there is no need to deal with them anymore. Thus, it becomes possible to deal with the core processes and strengthen the process to a considerable extent.


Sharing of Risk

One of the most vital factors that determine the outcome or the end result of a particular campaign is analysis of risk. Outsourcing certain ancillary components of a projects helps businesses to transfer some of the responsibilities to the offshore vendor(s). As these vendors are generally specialized and have a lot of experience under their belt, they are in a better position so far as risk management is concerned.


Reduced Operational as well as Recruitment Cost

Once businesses start outsourcing projects, they are in no need to hire professionals for in-house operations. Naturally, this drastically reduces the operational as well as recruitment cost to a large extent. This is in fact one of the most important advantages of offshore outsourcing.


Let us now discuss with some of the challenges or shortcomings that are associated with outsourcing.


Lack of appropriate skills

Offshore centers of development are generally mass production centers, which take up projects from various sources from all over the world simultaneously. Thus, the presence of too many projects results in mass production and this may at times turn the production sloppy and lackluster. Also, on certain occasions the developers lack the appropriate skills to develop projects with the required finesse, thus hampering the quality of the end products to a considerable extent.


Details of the projects

At times it may so happen that the offshore development companies look forward to just complete the projects by hook or by crook without even looking into the details of the technicalities properly. Thus, they often have the tendency of underestimating the time that is needed to complete the projects, which in the long run not only increases the cost of production by overshooting deadlines, but also hampers the quality to a great extent.


Lack of legal power

As on most of the occasions the offshore vendors are located in different countries, the outsourcing companies do not have any control on what is being sold, against what were purposed or proposed. Besides, if there is any instance of breach of contract or if the vendor companies fiddle with sensitive and confidential information, there is hardly anything that the outsourcing companies can do from the legal point of view. Also, due to distance and other issues, it does not make any sense of carrying any legal battle with the vendors.


Cultural and language issues

This is one of the most significant challenges in outsourcing web development projects. The vendor companies to which the projects are outsourced are generally located in non English speaking countries. As such, the projects are often plagued by misinterpretation of briefing due to language problem resulting in altered results along with not-up-to-the-mark quality. Moreover, the cultural differences at times lead to misinterpretation of certain terms and terminology that affects the end product to a considerable extent. You can hire web developers from custom software development India companies, who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.


We provide web development services. If you would like to hire offshore developers from web application development India service provider, please contact Mindfire Soltutions.