Is HTML5 Be The Future of Web Development?
Instead of jumping on to talk about whether HTML5 is shaping up to be the future of web development, let us instead discuss what actually HTML5 is and what its advantages are. Perhaps that will create a perfect backdrop which will make understanding of the topic of this discussion much easier.
HTML5 can be defined as a typical markup language that is used for framing and presenting modern web contents. It is the fifth generation of the language (hence the name HTML5) & is specifically designed to make it compatible for the latest multimedia devices. The language goes a long way in making these devices more user-friendly for the users, especially the ones who are not that tech-savvy.
There is no prize in guessing that the language comes up with a lot of advantages - a fact that gives it a substantial edge over other contemporary languages available in the market. Let us discuss some of them.
Mutuality: The first & foremost property that makes this language so special is its mutuality. We cannot deny the fact that the websites these days are getting more & more interactive with the incorporation of technologies like stream videos, fluid animations and various social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & the likes. Till recently, the options available to the developers for integration of these technologies with the websites were limited to use of tools like Flash, Javascript, Silverlight or Flex. However, with the introduction of HTML5, they have now the option of embedding high resolution videos, audios, charts, animations and images as well as a lot of other high end contents with the use of any third party programs or plugins whatsoever. Now, that from the technological point of view is a giant leap that has been made possible by HTML5.
It's the best one for the mobile phones: This is another highly important factor that makes the language so very adorable these days. HTML5 makes life easier for the designers when it comes to designing web pages exclusively for the modern iPhones and mobiles. One should not forget that majority of the modern mobiles are unable to access Flash and here the language plays a pivotal role in delivering videos & various other multimedia contents to all these devices.
Better Semantics: The tags in HTML5 are designed in a more specific manner and this makes it easier for the users to ascertain which part of a particular page is a header, or a footer, or a navigation and the likes. Besides, it also helps the users in understanding the meaning and the purpose of the site – a fact that understandably increases the acceptability of the web pages. Hence, use of this particular language improves the semantic value of a web page, more so with the help of standardized codes.
Geo-location: This extremely important feature makes this particular language so popular & effective in terms of usability. With the help of this feature, users are able to directly locate it on any application or browser that is compatible with the language, irrespective of the location at any given point in time.
Improved Storage: One of the most vital factors that make HTML5 so very adorable is its new storage capacity as well as its related feature(s). The language can be termed as a perfect amalgamation between the traditional cookies and the database used by the clients. This helps in storing data over multiple windows. This in turn helps in better performance as well as security even after a browser is not in use. This understandably, also goes a long way when it comes to data safety and security.
OfflineApplication: Thanks to the offline application cache that the language comes up with, users have the option of using & accessing various applications even when they do not have their networks connected and working.
Help in Mobile gaming: No modern mobile comes without the option of high end gaming. The language gives the option of developing games with the help of <canvas> tag. This makes the games and the related applications more user-friendly as well as compatible to the modern mobiles, thereby making these devices extremely popular to the modern users. Naturally, this contributes to the betterment of the market of these devices.
HTML5 – set to bring in a revolution in web development: All the above-mentioned features along with a lot of others ostensibly make the language surely the one that will bring a revolution in the world of website development.
If one takes into account all these features not to mention the ones that are not discussed as well as the usability or acceptance of the language amongst the developers, one should not think twice before drawing this conclusion that the language is all set to bring in a revolution in the realm of web site development and programming.
With a constant R&D already under way, this can well be stated that this language is a trend setter in taking web development to an altogether new height. You can hire HTML5 programmers from top Web development companies who can help you build html5 web apps within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide HTML5 web development services. If you would like to know more about the expertise of our certified HTML5 developers, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.